Chapter 31

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Silas lets out a heavy sigh, leans back in his chair and tilts his head back in exhaustion as he removes his suit coat and rolls up his sleeves to his elbows.

He is supposed to choose someone to rule over Swuybia. It is proving to be a difficult task. As horrible of a person Ruadhan Dinan was, he was a good Ruler. He shouts for his Page who runs immediately in the study not a moment too late.

"Send for Lady Aiken." He is not one for pleasantries, he thinks them a waste of breath. The Page runs back and the two minutes that seem as long as an hour go by, Delyth finally arrives, cursing him in her head and wondering what could be so important that he didn't find it necessary to call for someone else.

"You called, my lord."

"Yes. I would like your input on who you would advise to be the next Ruler of Swuybia." She stares at him, almost losing control of her facial expression. Is this man serious?

Does he not have Captain Jothan as an advisor to...advise? She complains in her head.

"I was never one to be interested in politics until as of late. I would suggest asking Tiarnan Holian," She recommends. She still isn't interested in politics but he doesn't need to know that. He, as well as everyone else, believes she is of Swuybian birth and now her knowledge of the nation is put to the test.

The mere thought of asking her consort anything or being in the same breathing space as him makes his hand twitch.

"I would prefer to ask you." Again, not a request, a command. She bites the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from directing any insulting words at him.

"Filius canis," she mutters under her breath while she nears the desk and turns the papers of the candidates. He pushes his chair back and rounds himself around the table to stand beside her. He looks over her shoulder, making his presence known.

Delyth stops breathing for two seconds but forces herself to relax. "I'm leaning towards Haangi Monaghan. He shows true potential."

Losing sight of herself, Delyth crushes the paper in a ball with Haangi's name on it and throws it in the bin. Silas chuckles genuinely, surprising Delyth. She eyes the way the corner of his eyes wrinkle. His laugh isn't a hearty one but it was deep and almost–almost made her look at him differently.

Catching herself, she looks away and scans through the papers once more. The one person she believes is suitable for the role isn't on the list. She takes a risk and advantage of his fondness to her to put forward his name.

"I would highly recommend Cillian Quaid. He is a Commander, a well respected one at that." She gauges his expression which is flat and unconvinced. So, she adds what she thinks is an important piece of information that would persuade him. "I trained under him."

His eyebrows raise a pint and he gathers the papers and throws them in the bin. "I think we have chosen Swuybian's next Ruler."

It has become on a regular basis that Silas invites Delyth to have dinner with him. Each time she becomes more uncomfortable. Each time Tiarnan's heart burns in blinded jealousy. He has to convince himself that Silas is walking into a trap that he set himself by becoming familiar with Delyth but it doesn't hurt him less to have to see them be close.

It also doesn't help that they hardly have the time to talk or see each other because Silas tries to separate them at every opportunity he knows the two will be together.

Today is no different.

Once again, Silas extends an invitation to eat dinner with him. 'Invitation' is a loose term for him abusing his power and forcing her to eat. The last time they ate together was two days prior when he agreed to appoint Cillian Quaid as the next Ruler of Swuybia.

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