Chapter 6

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DECEMBER 25, 1744

Delyth stands in the door frame of Soo's house with her arms folded across her chest, staring at the grown men dressed in gowns, wigs and makeup moseying around the village with huge smiles on their faces. There are other men who simply wore animal masks. Confused, she looks over at the mountains to see the sun waving goodbye until morning, her shadow slowly blending into the snow.

Her eyes browse through the village with everyone laughing and skipping around in pure joy. She wonders what event is taking place. Did she miss the announcement that explained this much celebration?

Out of the blue, a cup is pushed in her hand and an arm is slain around her shoulders, pulling her out of the house. She looks at the stranger and laughs in relief when she notices it is Othmar. He gently pushes the cup to her lips, encouraging her to drink.

"Don't worry, it's spiced ale. You do drink, do you?" She takes one sip to please him. She didn't have much experience in drinking, given how her life was in Esadom. Naturally, she knows she won't be able to handle her alcohol if they coax her to drink anymore.

She looks behind them to see Soo closing the house and pocketing the key. "What are we celebrating?"

"It's Christmas, Del. Drink up! You are about to see how we Esadomics celebrate Christmas!" And off they went, disappearing into the crowd. This is completely different from how she celebrated Christmas in Naelund.

Christmas in Naelund is almost non-existent. There would be a single person who would risk their life and cross over to Swuybia and steal any form of beer they could find and put it in a safe place until Christmas. At 8 in the night, when the stars are sky high, the Naelundians would gather in the center of the village and everyone would get one sip of stolen beer—if they were lucky that year.

They would gather in a circle and if you wanted to share, say what you were thankful for. To end the night, they sing carols, dance and be merry.

"Joy to the world! the Lord is come;

Let earth receive her King;" The Naelundians sing together in almost perfect harmony as they sway on their left and right feet.

Let every heart prepare him room,

And heaven and nature sing,

And heaven and nature sing,

And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.

Collectively, it was everyone's favorite holiday because it is the only day they forget about their struggles. The only day they forget that the world turned their backs on them.

The three friends find themselves following behind the Mummers—the men who dress as women—as Othmar and Soo Min would call them. They go door to door singing carols and telling jokes.

A warm sensation fills her body to see the bliss on the faces of the kids and parents while they laugh till their bellies hurt at the jokes. Some families offer Brins or a small gift of some sort but they politely reject them while some of the Mummers happily accept them.

Deciding to part ways with the Mummers, they stop by their local tavern. The Slippery Deer.

Curiosity gets the better of her and Delyth asks. "Why is it called that?"

The pair stare at her for a solid minute, creeping her out until they exchange a look and shrug their shoulders.

"Who the hell knows," is Soo's response and she laughs, Othmar joining in. Delyth looks at her lightly buzzed friends and shakes her head as she follows them into the jam-packed tavern. It is standard that on the first night of Christmas celebrations, The Slippery Deer is cramped.

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