Chapter 42

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The castle is conveniently empty. Not a single guard or knight in their positions which never happens. Tiarnan shows up in front of her, breathing heavily as if to have run a mile. He grabs her by the shoulders and turns her to walk in the opposite direction.

"Have you seen Captain Kersey?" He asks through deep breaths and panic dripping in his voice.

She shakes her head. "No, why?"

He looks at her for a quick second. Enough time to see the alarm on his face. The moment he opens his mouth, Jothan rounds the corner running past them like his tail is on fire. Delyth looks to Tiarnan for answers and he raises his eyebrows as if to answer the question.

The couple run behind him out of the castle and into the square of Varusa where there is a thick crowd. Delyth lets out a loud gasp and stops when she sees the scene in front of her. Was Silas this upset about her lies to have gone this far?

Jothan pushes himself through the crowd to face his crying wife with a thick rope around her neck attached to the gallows. Upon seeing him, Silas's face lights up and a sinister smile makes its way across his lips. His teeth shining in the glimmering.

"The guest of honor has arrived!" He claps loudly, no one is joining in his theatrics. This is not an amusing situation. They peer up at him with hatred and disgust burning in their eyes. Anyone who is acquainted with Cybil is fond of her kindness and warmth. Jothan is known for being one of the most caring husbands. He is always at Cybil's side, even when she pretends to be annoyed by his hovering. And Cybil is always willing to help anyone in any way she can. Everyone adores the lovely couple and wouldn't wish harm to come to them.

"Everything is going to be alright." His unwavering focus on his wife as his heart pounds heavily against his chest and an ache slowly begins to rise. He feels helpless. His eyes quickly search around trying to estimate ways in which he can save her before losing her. Every option is nil.

Cybil smiles and nods her head, having all the faith in the world that he will find a way to save her. She now understands the horrors of the stories that come with Silas Casteron and why Jothan didn't want her to ever meet him.

"Don't lie to her, Jothan! We all know how this ends." He looks at Cybil and nods. "Now imagine my surprise to find out that you had a wife without my knowing. I thought we were friends, Jothan. Why was I not informed about the union between you and the adorable beau." He gently strokes her hair causing Jothan's heart to skip. When his hand grazes her skin, Cybil's body tenses.

"There are some things I would rather keep to myself, Silas. Cybil is one of them." Jothan snaps, noticing his wife's discomfort. Silas raises his eyes at Jothan and runs his hand over his mouth.

A minute passes before he speaks again. He points a finger at Jothan, a coy smile tugging on the corner of his lips. "If you were to choose between me or Cybil," He says her name in a mocking tone. "Who would it be?"

Jothan shakes his head, his eyes stinging and his hand runs through his hair and gives it a quick tug. "It shouldn't have to be a choice. You are not her competition and she isn't yours."

"Who would it be?" He repeats in a sing-song voice, his foot tapping against the board floor. Jothan's eyes connect with Silas whose anger is barely controllable.

"Let her go, Silas. I am begging you." His eyes are now red, his hands are shaking and a single tear falls from his eye. He can't lose her. He refuses to. She is his entire life and they haven't got to do all the things they should've done earlier.

"Time's a ticking, friend. Who would it be? Me or her?" Silas starts clicking his tongue, imitating the sound of a clock to taunt Jothan. He makes eye contact with his wife who is full on crying, still looking as beautiful as ever.

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