Chapter 20

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Hands grabbing and pulling at all sides of her. Her head jerks up from being pulled by her hair from behind. Nails clawing at her skin. She falls on the ground, her hands move in front of her to protect her from cutting herself in case there was anything to harm her on the floor.


Nothing but pitch black.

She doesn't know who and how many people are in this dark abyss with her but she can assume from what they are screeching at her.

They are the many people she's killed in the past year and when she was young. Her victims are seeking revenge for what she's done.

"You deserve to be here for what you did. Reaper!" A voice screams, kicking her in the side.

"I'm sorry," Delyth pleads, tears streaming heavily down her face. There are too many of them. She can't defend herself. She won't. She deserves this. They were innocents.

"Reaper! Reaper! Reaper!" They scream at an ear damaging pitch. She covers her ears and places her head between her legs like a child being scolded.

Suddenly, she is grabbed by the shoulder and hauled across the floor. Delyth screams at them with her feet kicking against the floor and her hands flailing at their arms for them to let her go but it was all in vain. The dead are more powerful.

"Stop! Please stop! I'm sorry!" She begs and screams, snot running out of her nose, her chest feeling heavy from the anticipation of what they are going to do with her.

Then there is light. And wind and the chirping of birds. She looks around and she notices she is alone. She is standing on the tip of a mountain, looking over at Swuybia that is mostly dirt. She sees the knights sparring and smiles when Michal punches the air at yet another victorious win. She catches a glimpse of Tiarnan flirting with a girl that is as blonde as him. Her chest contracts when he grins at her the same way he would smile at her.

What really drives the knife deeper is when he brushes the hair out of her face when a light gush of wind sweeps through. Her skin feels hot knowing how the girl must feel when his knuckles brush against her skin like a feather while he stares into her eyes like she is the only he sees.

"Now, you know what it looks like when you are gone and everyone forgets you and moves on. They are happy." A sickening voice whispers in her ear, standing over her shoulder. Delyth shakes her head and closes her eyes, unable to accept it even though deep down she knows it's true.

She shouldn't be alive. She is an abomination. She's broken families apart. She killed her parents. The world would be better with her gone.

A slither goes up her spine when the voice chuckles until it becomes a loud evil laugh. "This will be your end."

A loud gasp falls from her lips. Before she can process what the person says, a loud gasp falls from her lips. The wind is hitting her in the face and her hands are flapping in the air as she wishes she has the wings of an eagle while she falls to her death.

This couldn't be her death. It isn't time yet.

She hears echoes of laughter and looks behind her at her numerous victims at the top of the mountain laughing and waving in glee. She looks down and realizes the fall is longer than she thought it would've been. She continues to flap her arms around, hoping there is a God that will grant her her wish to be a bird and save her. The ground comes closer and she falls faster. At her last breath, she pushes her hand in front of her before she falls first on the rocks below, praying it'll save her life.

A scream tears through her throat when an arm grabs her by her shoulders. She pushes against the person roughly but they grab her wrists to restrain her. She lifts her knees to kick them off but another pair of arms grab her by her feet. She is pinned. The only thing going through her head was that she needs to live. There must be some way to fight them off. She feels worthless.

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