Chapter 44

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Secrets are never good for relationships, however some secrets are better left hidden. Delyth isn't the only one who has suffered since their stay in Varusa. Tiarnan has suffered too due to his association with his her. In spite of it all, he doesn't regret knowing her or even proposing to her. Of course, he wishes things could change but when you plan to tie your life to someone, you accept everything that comes with it. Even if it means almost losing a hand.

While Delyth was trapped inside a cage with a three-headed dog, Tiarnan has had his head at the bottom of a barrel filled with water by the guards and knights. Literally.

"Go back to that swine house you came from and take that bitch of a shemale wife with you," they threatened when they brought his head back up from out the water. His ears were clogged with water but not enough to not hear him. It was the same threat every even day. Three days if they were feeling generous.

His answer was always the same, "No." or "Go to hell."

They growl and his head was back in the barrel for five minutes or longer when Tiarnan fought long enough.

If it wasn't the water, which he prefers, they had his head around a rope, threatening to hang him. On some days, the rope would be tied a bit loose where he could sneak in small draws of air. On his most unfortunate days, the rope is tied to the point where he sees black spots gather in his eyes.

"We will even help you pack your trash and you and the missus can go home. We will even tell the King that you were called back by Lord Holian to serve in his court. What do you say, Commander?" The guard taunted, slowly drawing the rope tighter around his neck.

"No," Tiarnan croaked and they all beat him to near death without hurting his face because they knew if Delyth were to find out, she would have their heads. Thankfully, the uniform covered the neck to hide the rope burn.

He goes through torture almost everyday because of his love for her and he knew she would do the same which keeps him fighting. Today is the day he would suffer at their hands once more and he doesn't have the strength for it, so he proposes to take another midday stroll through Varusa.

"I heard that Maiden Meriel and Danyel are having an entanglement. They meet every night in the gardens," Delyth relays what she is hearing among the workers to Tiarnan.

"Which one is Danyel again?" He eats the last piece of pastry they got from Missus Farshind in his mouth.

"He is the one who constantly moves Outlaw whenever he has an inkling that the others will hurt him," she reminds him and his mouth forms an 'o' shape in realization. She will always be in debt to his kindness. He even sometimes brushes Outlaw whenever she is too busy to.

"Right. Well I saw Vicar Raullin and your Lady in Waiting Isopel on the East Wing almost down to their trousers caught up in the lust." Her eyes light up in interest then it dims.

"My Lady in Waiting? I don't have a Lady in Waiting, Tiarnan."

"It means she is doing her job well. She has been attending you since our first day here. King Silas made it clear that she is to be invisible when attending to your needs." She hums and mentally applauds her Lady in Waiting for her most excellent job.

"In the East Wing?" She repeats, still not believing it. Not only does Isopel seem to be good at secretly doing her job but also her relationship with none other than the Vicar. "And the Vicar? Wow."

The pair grin as they walk down the streets. Anyone seeing them could not doubt the love they have for each other. They talk like childhood friends but the lack of space between them shows that they were more than that. Not to mention, the sparkle in their eyes when they look at each other. If the world was to burn right now, nothing else would matter but them.

"Did you know that Dederick has found a liking towards the Head Cook Elezabeth. I have lost count of the number of times I see him lurking near the kitchens, trying to get a chance to talk to her or his eyes just following her wherever. I would find it cute if it were anyone else but it's pathetic." She makes a face and suppresses a shiver as she recalls.

Tiarnan makes a disgusted face. "Dederick? I hate him so much." Delyth nods her head in agreement. "You know what could make this better? If you could use your shadows for some good and get rid of him. No one would even notice he is gone, much less miss him."

"Although I do agree and think it is a good idea, I must pass." Tiarnan groans in defeat and hands her the last of his pastry which she gratefully accepts. "I know but I am still learning to control them. I have been in contact with my many greats grandmother Émilienne Penteau-"

He points a finger at her when he recognizes the name. "You are a descendant of Émilienne Penteau? Of course, you are. I should have made the connection when you told me your real name at the Shed. You have no idea how worshiped she is by many in Swuybia. My god."

"Yes, well after Silas showed me her head that he has mounted on a wall for display, she has been visiting me in my dreams to teach me. It has been a journey," she sighs, heavily.

"And how are you sleeping?"

"It has gotten better thanks to her. Apparently, I can do more with my powers which includes, helping me sleep more peacefully." Tiarnan nods in relief. If only he could thank Émilienne for helping her get well-rested nights because that has been a struggle for her since he met her.

"She also taught me–What is going on over there?" She stops mid-sentence when she sees a group of men gathering at the edge of a lake. Initially, it looks like men having fun until a heart-wrenching scream pierces her ears.

She runs behind them with Tiarnan behind her. When they approach the scene, Delyth genuinely believes her eyes to be deceiving her. The men are trying to drown the woman in the lake. She fights the guys off but the woman falls into the lake. The atrocious men eventually run off and she helps the woman out of the lake.

She sputters water out of her mouth and looks up at her saviors. "Thank you. I thought I was going to die because they didn't know how to accept rejection."

"Delyth, who are you talking to?" She blinks up at Tiarnan, surprised by his question. What kind of question is that? The concerned look on his face made her feel crazy.

"Her?" She gasps loudly and crawls backward when she sees the pale dead body in front of them that she supposedly dragged from the lake. Shivers run through her body when she sees a shadow stand beside her.

"Thank you for finding me. You're nicer than they said." And she was gone.

It is then Tiarnan understands that there is more to her power than either of them knows. He didn't bother asking how she knows where to find the body because there is a chance she doesn't know so he concludes that sometimes shadows come with memories and the shadow of the dead woman most likely communicated through Delyth and led her here.

"Has this happened before?" He holds her by the waist and brings her to stand to her feet, throughout her shocked state.

She shakes her head stiffly and mutters, leaning her body against his for comfort. "No."

"It's okay," he plants a kiss on top of her head and rubs her arms soothingly to calm her down. "You did good, my golden dream."

They end the day having their portrait painted and have the artist send it to Roisin when it is completely dry. It is the most wonderful day they have had in a while. The couple can't wait until they are married and they can get more days like this. They can wrap up business in Varusa and go back to Swuybia where they have a lovely family surrounded by friends and family.


Au revoir...

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