Chapter 21

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They know. She knows they know.

They aren't trying to hide the fact that they know either. They are being painfully obvious. The gnawing stares. The hesitation to train her as hard as they normally do. The frequent breaks every fifteen minutes. It is annoying Delyth further as the day draws on.

When she woke up this morning— later than she normally does— she set her mind to fight through the pain. She tried to show as little expression of grimace as possible. However, she forgot one tiny detail. She underestimated the bruise around her neck against the color of her skin. Apparently, the guard squeezed against her trachea harder than she thought because the curious eyes lingering there alerted her. The thing that draws their interest is clear.

She takes note that she will either have to sew new garments with collars or have the seamstress make some.

Today, they are practising with bow and arrows, which after some time she realizes she's not good at. This gives the other guards an opportunity to take digs at her.

"Finally, something Aiken isn't good at. I was beginning to think you were inhuman," They tease and laugh together heartily.

Laughter. This is good. A distraction from their curiosity.

"We all have flaws. I told you, I'm not perfect." Is her response. She did tell them many times that she was imperfect whenever she learnt something quicker than most but they were still unconvinced.

"You're still perfect to me, Delyth. Marry me?" Ruben proposes going on one knee, his right hand extending towards her with a big flattering smile plastered on his face. She looks down at him, smiling and very entertained by him. He and the lot of them are jokers and she knows not to take them seriously.

"Imagine us having beautiful kids with your skin tone and my luscious hair. We would be the most desirable couple." He presses, selling his joke a little more. The only reason he does this is because it's fun for him and he wants to see if she will play along or deny him.

Delyth tilts her head, laughing and holding her stomach, not able to hold her laugh in any longer. "It's an amusing dream but I would have to pass."

They all snicker, nudging each other with their elbows and smirk at her. "We know who you wouldn't pass though."

She feigns confusion, removes an arrow from the quiver on her shoulder and sets it into the bow properly. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

They collectively laugh as soon as the fib leaves her mouth. She eyes them and sees some of them wiping tears from their eyes.

It's not even that funny. She sulks to herself.

She draws the arrow, points it at the target, closes one eye and holds her breath.

"C'mon, Aiken. Who do you think you're fooling? Everyone knows you and Holian fancy each other. Even the blind see it." Filip points out. At his affirmation, Delyth releases the arrow without intending to and misses the mark completely.

Filip chuckles and approaches closer beside her to taunt her. "I know you're bad but not this bad. Was it something I said?" Delyth glares at the mocking grin on his face and slaps him hard in the chest with the back of her free hand. He laughs but when he stops he sees his eyes drop to the mark around his neck.

"Stop. I see the stares and I know you want to know but it's the past and I'm fine," She reassures him, her head drops to the ground and wipes her hands on her gown.

Filip looks back at the others who are paying close attention, noticing their conversation turned to the worst.

"You've said that so many times it doesn't sound true anymore. You're not fine, Delyth. Do you have any idea how much it hurts us to see you push yourself even though you're in pain? At least tell me what happened last night after you left the room," he asks in a hushed tone, knowing that she doesn't want the others to hear.

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