Chapter 25

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Tiarnan doesn't care to celebrate his birthday. Delyth knows this. There is no tragic story behind it; he simply sees it as another day he is lucky to live. He didn't think there was a reason he should spend one day celebrating his existence when he can do that on any other day.

Delyth especially didn't care because she found out four days before. Hence, she convinced everyone else to help her plan something for him. Despite their reluctance, knowing Tiarnan's belief for his birthday, they joined in on her little arrangement. Roisin, of course, was all in as soon as Delyth told her she wanted it to be his best birthday yet.

Cillian and the others took care of the beer and the Dirty Inn, Swuybia's Tavern. Roisin took care of the guests, gifts and food.

Today is the day and everything is ready. Delyth fiddles with her white and mustard gown nervously. She is beginning to rethink the birthday plans. She saunters beside Roisin who has had a permanent smile on her face the entire day.

"Do you think this was a bad idea? There are a lot of people. Maybe we should've done a small gathering instead." Roisin can clearly see that Delyth is one decision away from canceling the party and places a hand on her shoulder.

"We might've gone a bit overboard but I'm sure he'll understand. Calm down. Cillian will be here any minute with the illusion that they're going for beer. It was a good idea, Delyth, and Tiarnan will see that. He loves you," Roisin says and whisks away without giving her a chance to respond.

Delyth stills when she hears what Roi told her. He loves you.

Neither of them have told the other that they loved each other. Lately, they've hardly had any time for each other. Tiarnan's responsibilities as Captain of the Guard has increased because Ruadhan is still sour over the loss at the Tournament and Delyth has been working her butt off to one day be knighted.

It's been six months since the Tournament. They liked each other before that. Now that everything is over, they have enough time to confess, right?

What if he doesn't love me? Delyth thinks to herself. She starts to hyperventilate a little. The room begins to spin and she hasn't drunk anything.

She straightens herself and reminds herself that she is brave, beautiful and confident. She was mauled by Ravi, has climbed walls, fought four guards while staring into Death's eyes, fell off a horse and got back up, and jousted without batting an eye. Telling the guy she is with that she loves him should be easy.

Suddenly, a voice alerts everyone that Cillian and Tiarnan are approaching and they all get into position to surprise him. Roising comes out of nowhere and pushes Delyth to the front of the crowd, so she is the first thing he sees when he enters.

The door creaks open and it was like the world slowed down because with every passing second she could hear her heartbeat louder. When it finally opens wide and reveals Cillian who steps aside to show Tiarnan, everyone shouts 'Happy birthday', hooting and shouting cheers.

The shock on his face isn't hard to miss and the smile on Delyth's smile fades when his eyes land on her. He walks towards her and it takes every muscle in her body to not make a run for it but she roots herself to the ground, preparing for the scolding she might get.

He is finally standing in front of her, peering down into her eyes with a dead stare. The silence in the room is ear-shattering; you can almost hear the crawling ant on the floor. Her stomach turns and twists in a knot, feeling as though she will throw up any second.

"Did you plan this?" he asks in a low voice and narrowed eyes.

Delyth bites her lip and glances at Roisin who is standing to the side peeking behind the back of a random guy and encouraging her with the lift of her eyebrows to answer him. She gazes back at Tiarnan who stares at her with a blank emotion.

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