Chapter 16

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 Her hair stuck to her forehead and neck due to the sweat from the scorching sun. The heavy weight of the metal armor is not helping her. Delyth feels almost claustrophobic. It feels like they are literal hands inside her body holding her lungs. She bends forward with her hands on her knees, trying to take in as much air as she can. Not to mention, she was on the rag, hence, there are pins sticking in her abdomen.

"Are you okay, Aiken?" His head tilts to the side and his eyebrows knit in concern. Filip lowers his wooden sword while slowly approaching Delyth. He's heard about her tactics to distract her opponent to win and although she does look in pain, he still keeps his guard up.

She lifts her hand and waves it at him. "Yes, I'm fine. I just catch my breath." She stares at the ground, wanting to fall to her side without a care in the world that the dirt will get in her hair and all over her clothes to look like a pig that rolled in mud and filth.

Cillian approaches beside her and leans down with a hand on her shoulder. "Do you need a break, Little Knight?"

The realization of how feeble she appears and the fear of it, overpowers the pain she is in. She slowly straightens herself in a ready stance, shakes her shoulder, takes a deep breath and releases it slowly. "No, I'm all good. Let's go, Filip."

Filips stares at her, worried, as well as the other men spectating. They have been at this for days. She has fought each of them at least twice and not once did she surrender, even when she grows obviously weary. She shows tremendous progress, quicker than they thought but they all wish she would slow down. She even managed to finally beat Michal which left him in a sour mood because he is not used to losing.

Filip looks toward his fellow comrades, uncertain of what to do. Collectively, they shrug their shoulders, also skeptical on what he should do next. However, Tomas gestures with his hand at Filip to proceed in the duel knowing that Delyth won't back down until she physically cannot move. He sighs and grips his sword with both hands.

Without a second passing by, Delyth lunges toward Filips forcing him to retreat and block. They hold this position, staring into each other's eyes. Filip calmly on the defending side while Delyth tries to gain power by pushing against him with clear frustration burning in her eyes.

Filip pushes her back and she pivots in order not to fall on her face. Even more agitated, she goes to attack Filip when Cillian interrupts. They look in his direction to see Tiarnan walking away. He wasn't there before so he must've given a message to Cillian.

"What's going on, Commander?" Ruben questions as he runs his hand across his beard.

Cillian clears his throat. "There is a rumor in the villages that Exspiravit is lurking through Mellow Woods. They fear for their lives hence Ruadhan instructs us to search for it."

Murmurs echo among the knights while Delyth's eyes are the size of saucers since the mention of Ravi. She already knows what position this means. She can't understand how and why Ravi came here. He knows the danger.

"Does he seriously expect us to go out there and risk our lives fighting that thing?" One of the knights asks, panic dripping in his voice. Delyth looks around with creased eyebrows, taken aback by their frightened expressions. She didn't expect them to react like this. She more expected them to run to the opportunity to get rid of Ravi.

"We have gone to wars for less for Silas' sake. All we have to do is tread carefully. Try not to spook it or be fidgety. If all goes well, we reassure the villagers that there is nothing to fear." Cillian states, hoping to the skies that they don't have to come face to face with Exspiravit because hearing the stories and seeing families cry from the loss of their loved ones, being another pound of flesh for the animal is not part of his goal in life.

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