Chapter 26

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So much has happened these past four years. Roisin went back to practicing magic, which is something Tiarnan never expected her to pick up again. Delyth, on the other hand, is extremely happy and supportive of her, as is Tiarnan. Slowly, we've seen a different side to Roisin we've never seen. She is a naturally positive person but now she's at her full capacity of positivity. No pessimistic thought can bring them down because she smashes them before they can hit her and lets them evaporate in the air.

Her nightmares have stopped which frightened her for a while because she thought they would make a huge and terrifying comeback. She gives Tiarnan all the credit because every time she would "make noises louder than a whisper" according to Cillian and the others, they would wake up Tiarnan to put her back to a soundless slumber. He would pull up a stool at the side of my bed and either hold her hand or massage the scalp of her hair. Doing that on a regular basis really helped with her temperament and kept the nightmares and souls away.

He did ask on one of the days why the nightmares were happening and Delyth told him about the souls of the innocent lives that she took taking revenge on her since she's still alive.

"What would happen if you were to die? Would they end?" he had asked.

"That's a really complicated answer. If there is Heaven and Hell, then I would think they wouldn't be able to reach me. But if it's one big empty place of both good and bad people then it would give them a better opportunity in torturing my soul," she explained.

He shakes his head. "Aren't dead people supposed to know the difference between good and bad people? I don't like thinking that even in death you won't be at peace."

They were walking, so she wrapped her arm around his bicep, leaned her head on his shoulder and tilted her head up to look at him.

This is something she has already thought about and come to peace with. She doesn't fear death. But his, would shake her to the very core. "We don't have to worry about that for now. Let's live this life and focus on us. Besides, I have you."

He stopped walking and turned to face her. He brushed his knuckles against her cheek, cupped her jaw and lifted it up as he leaned down and pressed his soft lips against hers in a sweet kiss.

Presently, Delyth stands at the end of the hall with her hand stiff by her side. Her eyes glaze around in the church and make eye contact with Hias Gaisser, Soo Min and Othmar sitting in the congregation. Soo Min is sitting beside Othmar waving her hand excitedly and grinning widely while Othmar waves his hand in a subtle motion. Hias is sitting in the second row to the front and winks at her.

The music begins and she slowly marches down the aisle, making her way to Ruadhan Dinan. She glances to her right at Tiarnan whose lip twitches up at the corner a little. On her left is Cillian who dips his chin in a quick motion.

In her armor, Delyth kneels in front of a half-scowling Swuybian Ruler. One by one she repeats the Knight's Code of Chivalry:

I would always defend a lady.

I would always speak the truth

I would always be loyal to my lord.

I would be devoted to the church.

I would be charitable and defend the poor and helpless.

Delyth stops the snort that almost escapes her throat. They all break that Code every day. Hypocrites. Liars. Naelundians are the poor and helpless yet not one knight or guard has defended them or helped them. They cast them aside and leave them to die. This time will be different because Delyth is now a part of them and she will stop at nothing to make sure that oath is enforced.

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