30: Harvest Festival.

Start from the beginning

"I have no idea what your talking about" this is like a thing between them, they would always bicker and fight over the most simplest thing, they never get along and that's weird for a heroine who is supposed to be friendly, loved and kind to everyone, well infact Ellie have been acting WAY TOO out of her character, it's.....weird.

"Break it up you two, quit fighting over Sera" Mrs. Dalton came out of nowhere.

"Grandma!" Leo whined, the elder woman just teased her grandson with a knowingly look.

"Come on now, the night is still young, go have some fun!" Leo's Grandfather who is usually too ill too go out had a nice smile on his face, surrounded by children who adores the old man.

"Let's dance!" Leo and Ellie asked at the same time, upon realization they again glared at each other, I just laughed awkwardly, this has become an everyday thing to us.

"Why not the both of you dance---"


"Ew, no!"

Sighing helplessly, I just grabbed one of their arms and pulling them in the dance floor.

"Then let's all dance!"


"I never knew they do this"

"There is a lot of thing you don't know little brother"

"and what's that supposed to mean?"

"Quit it you two"

Unbeknownst to any of the people below them including Seraphina, Leo and Ellie, six hooded figure hid on the church's shadowed rooftop, they watched the festive lights and people dancing below them.

Raphael stopped Alistair and Akio from fighting, Akio is teasing his short-tempered little brother.

"Isn't that Ellie?" Niko suddenly pointed out, seeing his beloved dancing among the crowd, her beautiful smile flashed on her face, the smile that she never shown to any of them, it was genuine and clearly in love, they don't know if they should feel jealous or sad, jealous at the person who made her smile like that or sad to the fact that she never showed that smile to them, the only expression she ever had when she's with them is irritation, annoyed, and sassy.

"Tsk" Daichi said in annoyance, trying to spot the person she's with until they saw him or her....

"Seraphina!!?" They said in a shock, the usual stoic, expressionless and strict looking Female Knight is holding hands with Ellie while laughing and smiling, something they never saw!!(or at least forgot about).

The two girls danced in circle while holding hands, they spun and twirled around having fun.

"Are you sure that's her?!" Alistair angrily asked, his not angry to the fact that she's dancing with his beloved but to the fact that this Walking stone face is actually capable of emotions!!.

"Her hair, body, face and everything else resembles Seraphina" Niko said, also in a daze for what his witnessing.

"but is that! The Seraphina WE knew!?" Akio said, he couldn't accept the fact that he never noticed just how beautiful she truly is.....but wait a minute, is it that he didn't noticed it or he just....forgot about it...forgot about her.... about her very first friend ever......a sudden feeling of guilt hit his heart.

"She's recovering fine than I anticipated"
Raphael said, He always had a feeling that Seraphina is a total different person outside of the palace walls.

"Oh, look at them go" Benjiro cheered at the sight, seeing Ellie and Seraphina dancing around the fountain while everyone of the crowd cheered them on, the girls just laughed while spinning and twirling around, raising their dress skirt a little for more movement.

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