Chapter 33: Close brush with hypnosis, huh?

Start from the beginning

"I've got it now!" a familiar snake snarled, "You've told me that ssstory at least four timesss by now!"

...Skales... you muttered in your head, crouching down so that you could minimise the chance of being walked into.

Seeing them turn the corner, you caught sight of the group visibly freezing at the scene laid out before them. After a moment of mentally digesting the pile of unmoving Serpentine, the Hypnobrai pushed one of his men toward the pile, motioning for him to check the situation. The subordinate, on the other hand, looks like he'd rather do anything else, but when the general, who is clearly the one in charge, shoots him a glare, he finally concedes that he'll go check it out.

Gingerly moving around the pile of bodies, he audibly gulps before placing a trembling hand over a Constrictai's neck and gasping "They're alive!"

With that, the other Serpentine began crowding over, trying to help recover their comrades as you crouched there silently, waiting for them to leave so you could go save the others. Suddenly, a snake slung his ally over his shoulder and began hauling him back to what you presumed was the medical centre. Unfortunately, he began backing directly toward you, making you bite the inside of your cheek as you silently willed for him to leave.

But alas, Lady Luck was not on your side today, or any day when Pythor's involved for that matter. 

The unsuspecting Hypnobrai tripped over your invisible body, causing both him and the unconscious body of his friend to fall onto you, effectively knocking the wind out of you and pinning you to the subway tiles.

Unable to keep up your illusion, you were revealed to your many opponents' prying eyes. "Get the girl!" you heard Skales yell out as you saw multiple blurs make a mad dash for you, despite you being pretty much trapped with no way out. If it weren't for your breathless state, you could have used your teleportation powers to get out of the situation.

"What should we do with her, General?" you heard a snake hiss as the serpent addressed slithered over.

"Well well well," the male snarled, finally approaching you, albeit cautiously, "Look at who it isss... You insssisssted againssst joining my revolution and then againssst joining my tribe and sssticking with that... boy... And where did that bring you? Back to me." Crouching down, or at least that's what you presumed he did as the Serpentine didn't exactly have legs, Skales tilted your chin up to look him in the eyes. "I'll asssk one more time... Will you join me?"

Nuh-uh! Koun shook her head from next to you, crossing her arms over her chest in the shape of an 'x'. Even without her opinion, your mind was already made up in the first place.

"In your dreams." you spit, giving the humanoid a glare purely made up of defiance and anger.

In reply, the male gave you a disgruntled glare before snarling "Well, then I'm about to fall into the bessst sssleep of my life..." Grabbing the back of your outfit the Hypnobrai's ruby-red eyes stared into your own as you faintly heard him mutter "Give up your mind... I will control you-"

He's tryna hypnotise you! the other you screeched, blocking out the rest of the serpent's words as you felt sleepier and sleepier. Girl! GIRL! I swear to God- If you get hypnotised, how will I get to experience any fun! Getting nothing from you, the ghost grumbled something under her breath before grabbing the collar of your clothes and slamming her forehead into your own.

"Ack-" you hiss in pain, instinctively reeling back with so much force that you ripped yourself out of the grip of three different Serpentine.

Stumbling backwards, you trip over the body of one of your unconscious opponents, falling over the edge and into the train tracks with a yelp of surprise. Feeling yourself falling, you glanced down and caught sight of the shadows and got an idea, deciding to use your Shadow Step ability. Falling through the darkness as if it were nothing more than an infinitely deep pool of water, you sank deep into the mass as you caught sight of the bewildered Serpentine rush to the ledge, searching for you to take prisoner.

Void - Ninjago x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now