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We arrive back at the manor.

I walk in and ...

My father stands before us "You got 2 girls pregnant this is the kind of talk I have with your brother not you how could you be such a slut, what is the family going to think of this"

I protect Hermione behind me and we walk past my father and up the stairs I walk in and Ginny is sitting in bed writing a letter.

Ginny and Hermione lock eyes I expect they would be angry.

To my surprise their not they have spent years hating eachother but Ginny gets up and hugs Hermione and she looks at her very small baby bump "I guess were doing this together so truce".

Ginny looked into Hermiones eyes I was expecting them to hug.

They kiss, the shock on my face deepens.

"I'm sorry Bella" Ginny says.

"No baby its ok" I say I walk to them and pull both of them into my arms.

I kiss Ginny and give Ginny a questioning look when she nods I kiss Hermione too.

"So I guess were doing this again" Hermione asks.

"Yea I guess we are" I reply.

"Bella I'm trying to write a letter to tell my family"Ginny says.

Ginny and Hermione lay on the bed and Hermione grabs her quill and starts writing.

Dear Weasley Family,

Mom and Dad I have something to tell you I know you might be disappointed but I got the pheniox bond with Bella meaning I'm pregnant at 16 and I'm sorry for being a stupid teen but I wont let my grades drop and dont worry about expenses Bellas got it I love you
, Ginny

Ginny jumped into Hermiones arms thank you she got Bellas owl to take it to her family she was really scared.

Bella layed down next to them and held them both to her chest.

"Dinner will be ready soon and we'll talk about our future with this later Hermionr I'm assuming you've decided to keep the baby" Hermione nods "and Ginny you have time to decide what youw want to do"

"Keep it" she responds "it might be hard but I want to keep it Bella I know you will be great to both of them and no offense but I dont need to worry about expenses, were almost in our 7th year so its not long till we are adults and it's not very uncommon for people who have been together 4-5 years at hogwarts to start a family early so we should be ok"

"Your right Ginny wait the last day of school is in 1 month, summer then we start 7th year" Hermione says.

"Dinner is ready" a house elf calls.

"Come on your eatting for 2 you need dinner"

"Umm Master Mrs.Weasley is at the entrance" the house elf tells my mother.

I get up and tell Ginny to stay here.

I let her inside and lead her to the dinning room.

She sees Ginny and smiles she embraces her in her arms.

She then sees Hermione "Oh my lord, you too dear" Hermione nods.

She kisses Ginny on the forehead.

"Its ok sweety I'm not mad its ok"

"Really your not mad hows dad feel"

"He came to his senses eventually and no offense Mrs.Malfoy but they have the expenses to have this not forever ruining and less scary for all of us"

Mrs.Wealsey hugged her daughter tight "well I'll leave yall to eat"

She apparated out.

We finished dinner and went to sleep.

Hermione dug through my truck to get a shirt.

She found the toys I was bringing home to leave her considering I woukdnt need them she pulled them out.

"Sweetheart we have to keep the baby's safe and so no darling we are not doing that"

We have to go back to school tommrow and I checked with Dumbldore we have accommodations and a nice thing in the wizarding world is we should know the gender very soon Hermione we could probably test you for gender now and Ginny in 2 weeks.

~The next morning ~

Ginny woke up at 4 am puking.

But Hermione slept in late which she hardly ever did.

Pregnancy is hitting them both hard.

Once we packed we headed back to school and by them it was 8pm we went to our dorm.

We walked in and layed on the bed Ginny wasnt feeling good.

"Bella my 2 month check up is tommrow"

"2 MONTHS I THOUGHT IT WAS ONE" Bella shouted.

Its 2 months tommrow and tommrow since we talked about it last night, I asked find out the gender.

"Ok so I made a plan their will be a crib and baby things and stuff at the manor for both babies, for Ginny at the burrow and for Hermione at her house and then both here of course you would both be giving birth here in 7th year.

The next day we walk into Hermiones appointment "Ready to find out the gender" Madam Pomfrey asks "yes we are" Hermione responds immediately and excitedly.

"Its a girl, congratulations"

~6 months later~

7th year started and Hermione is almost 9 months ready to go into labor any day now and Ginny is 6 months.

I drop Hermione and Ginny of in Defense of the Dark Arts and head to Potions.

Half way through potions I get a bad feeling and Mcgonagal walks in whispering something into Snapes ear.

"Malfoy head to the Medicak wing Granger is in labor"

I dont even let the last word leave his lips before I'm pit of my seat running to the medical wing when I get their Ginny and Hermione are their.

"We went to the bathroom she wasnt feeling well and then she started having contractions so I got her here as fast as possible" Ginny said.

"Bella" another contraction hit "COULD YOU MAIL MY MOM A LETTER PLEASE"

I held her hand and kissed her on the forehead I wrote the letter in seconds and sent it off

"Shes 10 centimeters dilated, Hermione I know it hurts but I'm going to need you to push"

I hold her hand tighter

"Ok push for me"

I hear Hermione scream I want to take her pain away"

"Push again"

Her scream get louder and her grip on my hand tightens.

"Ok your crowning"

I let go of her hand and she put little girls head poking out


Shes screaming again I cant believe Ginny will have to go through this too.

Her heads almost put and when that's out the rest will come with

"One more push"

She screams again and our little girl is out and placed on her chest the cord is cut and Hermione lays their hold our little girl

"Baby I'm so sorry you had to hurt like that"

"Its ok because look at her" Hermione smiles.

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