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Hermione woke up still in Bella's embrace she gently placed her head on her chest not to wake her up.

Bella woke up to see Hermione snuggled up to her chest.

She admired her before gently trying wake her.

When she woke Hermione looked up to her and Bella kissed her forehead.

And this moment Bella's smile her soft lips kissing her that's why she stayed that is why after everything she was there.

Bella and Hermione got up.

They both got in the shower Hermione watched as the water fell off her breasts Bella noticed her looking and pressed there bodies closer and passionately kissing her.

 Hermione blushed when they pulled apart.

Bella and Hermione got out of the shower and got dressed and soon exited their dorm to go to Potions they had already missed breakfast.

They walked down to Snape's room.

Once Snape's class was done they walked down for lunch.

Walking through the corridor and into the great hall.

Ginny's eyes immediately went to Bella when they entered when Hermione noticed she got ready jealous she held Hermione's and said "Hey can you sit next to me at the slytherin table" Hermione nodded.

They took a seat at the slytherin table and ate their food and then walked out and Bella  grabbed Hermione and pulled her to the slytherin common room.

"Pureblood" she said they entered the common room Bella smiled picked Hermione up Hermione wrapped her legs around her waist.

She opened the door to her dorm and slammed it shut the people in the common room pretend not to know what's happening.

Bella layed Hermione on the bed.

Hermione waited for Bella to get something to restrain her but she didn't instead she took both her hands and pinned them above her head with her hand.

She used the other hand to remove Hermione's clothing.

Bella kissed her breasts that was enough to get Hermione to moan loudly.

Bella started to finger Hermione her fingers going in and out until she came Bella continued Hermione bit her lip.

Ginny walked in she saw them she got a hurt look in her eye when she looked at Bella.

Tears formed in Ginny's eyes and fell onto her cheeks.

Ginny then ran Bella went after her.

She ran out of the common room and up so stairs.

Ginny ran through the corridor.

She reached outside she ran for the forbidden forest.

Bella shortly behind her they both reached the forest Ginny kept running Bella had lost track of her she yelled "GINNY " no answer she kept running.

She heard a scream she ran towards it she saw a clearing in the forest she ran faster towards it.

When she reaches the clearing she see's Ginny on the ground stabbed blood rushing from the wound.

She didn't move she didn't move the weapon she didn't know what to.

Ginny was barely hanging on to life right in front of her.

Ginny could feel a throbbing pain in her chest she could breath just not well her mind started to get fuzzy she heard someone scream her name a few minutes before she could tell it was Bella but she couldn't move she was paralyzed and then it at when black.

 "Ginny I love you it's always been you just hang on Ginny can you do that for me" Bella said.

Unknown to her knowledge Hermione had followed them.


Bella looked up and in a part of the clearing saw Hermione standing their Hermione then ran back for the castle.

She didn't know where to go help Ginny who was bleeding out or go after the woman who loves her more than Ginny ever could.

Bella picked Ginny up bridal style and started carrying her to the castle and to the hospital wing she was attended to they had to take her quickly.

They informed Bella she might not make it.

Bella started crying and stormed out and ran to the slytherin common room.

She stormed into her dorm and ran herself a bath she could barely look herself in the mirror Ginny's blood on her clothes both the people she loved not able to be at her side.

She took of the clothes with blood on them and stepped into the bath the water turning pink from the blood on her skin and the dirt.

She bathed and got a change of clothes and layed in her bed she cried herself to sleep knowing that their was nothing she could do.

She woke the next morning hoping that was a dream and she would wake with Hermione in her arms but she didn't.

She woke alone in her bed the bloody clothing in her bathroom.

She had almost no energy nothing at all she got dressed and walked to the hospital wing and then she sat next to Ginny as someone came from behind the curtain.

As a lady walked up to her and said "we didn't know if she was going to make it through the night but now she is doing good" and sense of relief flooded her.

She needed to find Hermione and so she went to the gryffindor common room no one was their so she went to her dorm she found a ring box and what seemed like a script for a marriage proposal.

Bella gasped and ran out passing Hermione, Harry ,and Ron but she didn't realize.

Hermione realized what she must have saw and she panicked knowing Bella knows she ruined it.

She started to cry she collapsed and said "why did this have to happen why did Ginny have to be here at all".

Draco was listening in on them definitely not spying on Harry trying to get him alone.

But now he had a new mission tell Bella that Ginny getting hurt might have been Hermione the whole time.

Bella was in her dorm crying when Draco walked in told her she ran out when she heard.

Hermione saw Bella and knew she must have heard something so she said "Bella I promise I didn't do what I think you think I did".

Bella wanted to scream and throw something but all she could think of was how Hermione might feel about this so she kissed her.

Everyone was in pure shock.

Bella pulled away and ran but instead of going where everyone thought she went to the hospital wing to visit Ginny.

She was wake when Bella entered Ginny was awake and speaking.

She when up and kissed her gently on the forehead and sat next to her and said "I love you" it kind of felt wrong considering she just kissed Hermione but before she could think more.

Ginny's lips were on her's.

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Orgasms dont solve everythingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora