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I walked into the medical wing after classes

To be honest it was scary I saw her there the love of my life sitting there the only signal she was alive being the faint sound of her breathing.

I stood next to her I was told it could be days till she woke up and I was to name the baby but I couldn't do it not till she woke up

I sat there at her bedside for days

And when she woke up she was in pain I didn't know what else to do she was in pain I layed there next to her in her bed and I layed there until she was discharged to go back to out Dork and she was on bedrest for 2 days after that and then it was time to name the baby our baby.

"What's her name girls?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"Ivy" Ginny said.

"Malfoy" she continued.

I smiled at Ginny.

Then Madam pomfrey turned to Ginny.

"Tommrow morning you should be able to report to classes if you have any chest pain I suggest you come here quickly so I can make sure everything's okay".

She turns to both of us and both babies check up will be on December 12th

Wow it was half way through the school year and I know I wanted to pick one of them to marry I knew I didn't want both of them but what would that cause a broken home for my 2 girls.

Ginny I want Ginny it's been Ginny since that first day.

But Hermione and I have been together for years.

What do I do I can't do this to them again

I get out of my thoughts when Ginny hands me the baby and we walk to my dorm together I mean our dorm.

Hermiones their I kiss her then walk to put down Ivy in her crib

I get into bed next to Ginny and she curls into my chest this I want this forever I know I do I think I do.

I would propose to one of them by the end of the week but who?

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