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Hermione kept wanting to go to class but Bella wasnt letting her.

Ginny had fuming jealousy from Bella being with her alone in the medical wing for hours and hours.

Bella walked in her dorm one night Ginny was sleeping naked she only didnt this when she was upset to make Bella angry.

And horny

Bella got all the way undressed and got into bed.

Pressing her body against Ginnys.

Feeling the warmth of their skin.

Feeling every single curve of Ginny's body.

Ginny woke.

Saw Bella she couldnt take it.

She started kissing her a raw, passionate kiss.

Ginny had wanted this craved this for days.

And she had it not Hermione her she had it all right her in her hands.

Bellas skin her breasts her ass all hers and no one elses.

She decided she wanted to take Bellas place she didnt think Bella had ever bottomed in her life but she wanted to have some fun.

And so she did.

She kissed down Bellas neck.

Down her chest.

Her stomach.

Down to her clit.

All mine she thought.

She stuck to fingers inside.

Earning a mean from Bella.

Bella is so tight she thought.

She wondered if she'd ever been fucked 2 of her fingers barely fit.

She sucked on her clit.

While pressing a 3rd finger inside her.

She speeding up.

Bella was the meaning mess she had hoped for.

Such a hard dom so soft under her fingers and tongue.

She came.

Ginny kissed back up to her neck then her lips.

Ginny licked of her fingers and kissed Bella.

You taste so good.

They laid down and drifted to sleep.

~3 days later~

Hermione was better now yet she hadn't returned to her classes yet so Bella gave her all her assignment and helped her with that they learned in class.

The jealousy had built up in Ginny.

One night Hermione grazed Bellas thigh while they were studying.

She snapped "get the fuck off of my girlfriend now".

"Hermione how about you just leave, we'll finish tommrow" Bella said.

Ginny sat on the bed Bella sat down next to her.

"Do you love her"Ginny asked.


"Do you love her".

"No ofcourse not" Bella replied.

Bella cupped Ginnys face in her hands.

Kissed her on the forehead and said "no I will never love her again only you and you forever".

Ginny hugged Bella and nuzzled into her chest.

Bella looked out the window she wondered where she would be right now if with Hermione.

That night she layed Ginny down and said "I'll be right back love" she lied.

She seemed to be doing that alot lately.

She walked.

Walked until she found herself in front of Hermiones dorm.

Then she walked in to find Hermione holding a vibrator to her clit.

Hermione jumped at the sound of the door opening.

"Cute" Bella said as she entered.

Hermione got up.

Bella looked at her she knew every inch of that body and her lips do to.

"Are you just going to stare" Hermione mocked.

"Put on some clothes sweetheart".

"I dont want too" Hermione pouted.

"Come on now be good for me".

Hermione layed down naked in her bed and got under the blankets picked up her homework and layed it down next to her.

Bella got on the bed and started to help her with the work.

Well tried the best she could which getting distracted ever so easily.

She couldnt take it anymore but she showed restraint she wasnt a cheater.

She knew that.


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