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Bella saw the twins and realized one of her hands where tied.

"Leave Ginny alone from now on" said George.

"I don't want to see you near her" said Fred.

"NO I love her" said Bella.

"Bella your not getting out of her until you agree" said George.

"Fine" Bella said.

Bella was untied and she walked out she walked down the corridors tears running down her face.

She made it to the slytherin common room and knocked on Draco's door no answer but it was unlocked so she opened the door.

She saw Harry in Draco's lap  sleeping.

"SHHHHH" Draco said.

Bella whispered "I knew something was going on".

Bella sat on the end of the bed and started talking about her day Hermione ,Ginny ,The twins.

Once she was done Draco said "Bella honestly I think you should stay away from both of them maybe this weekend we could go home just for the weekend".

"But what about Harry won't he miss you" Bella said jokingly.

"Yeah actually maybe he could come and I could tell mom but not dad not yet" said Draco.

"Dray your going to have to tell him eventually but you don't have to if you don't want to wait how is Harry going to stay over without them knowing" Bella said.

"Trust me I have snuck Harry in many times and they didn't find out" Draco said.

"Ok this weekend" said Bella.

Then she left.

Harry woke at the sound of the door closing.

"who was that" said Harry.

"Bella was here and we were talking about going home for the weekend want to come" Draco replied.

"Yeah of course" Harry said.

Draco kissed Harry and then Harry layed back on Draco's chest.

The wait for the weekend felt like forever but Bella managed to stay away from Ginny and she gladly stayed away from Hermione but then it was here the weekend.

Draco mailed there parents a letter saying what they wanted to do.

And they went home.

Sorry for the short chapter. Dont forget to vote if you liked add to your reading list to not miss updates. And follow so you receive the messages that I post for my followers.

Orgasms dont solve everythingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora