I was here to get a sense of familiarity of the area but I wasn't expecting to see her at all. I quietly follow her and stay in the shadows. I turn a corner and see her standing against the building with her head resting on the wall and her eyes closed. Her face is void of any emotions but I can vaguely make out a small frown and it disappears as soon as it appears.

I lean against the building observing her from the shadows. She's like a stranger to me now. Once I could read every emotion in her eyes and on her face and now I can't make out any single thought that might be running through her head.

What is it like for her? What changed? What happened that messed everything up?

I feel a pang of hurt thinking about my old moments with her. But I could never forgive her for what she did. But I can't curb my curiosity either.

Why is she awake so early and what was she doing ? I see her mouth open as if she was going to say something. Something to me? But she can't possibly know I'm here. But she just closes her mouth back again as if deciding not to voice out whatever she was going to say earlier.

My eyes scan the area again on their own and settle back down on her. She seems so calm right now. At peace. As if this time of the day was the only time she could let herself breathe. When no one's there to watch her.

I still frown at the surroundings. I'm sure she is the one who is the most dangerous person living here but still I feel the urge to take her away from here. To keep her somewhere safe. Away from danger and the darkness of this place.

I shouldn't be feeling the sense of protectiveness over her that I do right now but I can't help it. Maybe it's an old habit that I never got over.

But looking at her it doesn't like taking her away from any place would change anything. The surroundings or a place does not effect her. Its the violence, chaos and the darkness within her. All those things I never thought she could ever possess.

But I was proved wrong of that. They say it's a thin line between love and hate and from where I stand hate seems to blur with love. Maybe you can't fully hate someone without having even one part of you that aches for that person.

But I learnt that love is blind and foolish. Hate on the other hand makes you scrutinise every little thing. Hate is better, safer. It's easy to hate someone than love them. You don't have to get your heart broken or cry over that person.

And every time I think maybe its not fair of me to hate her as much as I do I remember the nights when I cried. The nights when I lay alone longing for her touch. To see her, to have her back in my arms. To hear her laugh, to see her smile.

She just cut herself off from my life. Disappeared. And she betrayed my trust that I so wholeheartedly put in her.

I see her look down once and then walk away and disappear through the entrance of another building. The one she gave me the address to. I look back at the small two story house she came out from and take a few pictures of the area.

I did ask her father for their help but I do have my own suspicions about them. He couldn't have just agreed to helping us just because the power he'll be gaining from this. Maybe I'm thinking too much but one thing I know is that Marco Fernandez is not a man to trust and take lightly. I need to find out if he has any hidden motives of his own behind this facade of helping us.

And that means that I have to keep a close eye on his daughter. She said she works separately from her father but not a word that comes out f her mouth is to trusted. She knows how to twists truths and lies and create a perfect trap for the other person.

I can't live in ignorance and suffer the consequences of it later. And that's why I need to get her away from here.

To Italy. Where I'll have the power and she'll be in my territory and under my eyes. Somewhere she can't hide. Somewhere she'll have to open up herself to me and show her cards and let the truth out.

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