Chapter 16: Sole Power

Start from the beginning

Sonic stops. "Now, that's just circumstantial evidence."

(Time Skip)

Sonic sits on a table while Tails holds a reflex hammer.

"Sonic, I am gonna run a few tests to figure out what's wrong with you." Tails runs Sonic through a series of tests including a knee reflex check, a regular sprint, an energy bike, and Irish dancing, all ending in failure.

"I just can't figure out what's wrong with you. Until we get to the bottom of this, you better not run." Tails says.

"Alright, no problem." Sonic runs out the workshop and the noise sounds. Tails jerks around in pain trying to cover his ears. Sonic appears in the workshop's door.

"Sorry. Old habit."

(Time Skip)

Sonic walks up Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Me and Sticks, who are standing near the volleyball net.

"Sonic! You were supposed to bring the volleyball." Amy complains.

"Oh, sorry. I'll just zip back home to get it."
Sonic prepares to run. We all cover our ears preparing for the painful noise. Sonic notices this and quickly resumes a normal pose.

"And by zip, I mean walk slowly and deliberately."

Sonic walking boringly across the beach while sweating.

"Ugh. Is this what average people do? This is nuts!"

Sonic picks up the volleyball in front of his shack. He then turns around to see that he has only walked about five feet away. As Sonic walks back with the volleyball slowly, Crab Bots appear in the coconut trees.

Sonic drops the volleyball.

"Guys! Robot attack at six o' clock!"

"I can't do six o' clock. I have tickets to the opera. No, wait, that's someone else." Knuckles says. I shake my head.

"No Knuckles...."

"Behind you!" Sonic yells.

Crab Bots tries a drop on us. As we start to fight back, Sonic runs to over to help me and Amy who are surrounded my two Crab Bots. However, the noise sounds and we cover our ears. I give a Sonic a look before swinging a Crab Bot into a tree while Amy crushes the other.

"Sonic, we got this!" Amy says.

Sonic sits down on a beach chair, dejected. I pat his shoulder before running back in to help.

Knuckles is battling with a Crab Bot.

"Way to go Knux! A left, then a right, then another left!" Sonic cheers.

"Wait! Which one am I on?" Knuckles looks at his fists and gets punched by the Crab Bot until he falls down.

"How come he gets it and I don't?" Knuckles groans.

Sticks is hiding from two Crab Bots in the bushes.

"Sticks! Your best move here is a spin attack!" Sonic shouts.

Sticks pops out of the bushes.

"That's your move, not mine."

The Crab Bots spot Sticks.


At this point Sonic just looks down right embarrassed. Amy is hammering loose on Crab Bots. A Crab Bot fires lasers at Amy which she evades.

"Yeah! Give them a taste of your secret triple backflip move!" Sonic encourages.
Amy tries doing her move, but is grabbed midair by a Crab Bot and thrown to the ground.

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