|Twenty one|

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Maxine jumps up to sit on the counter and puts her phone down beside her, giving Emilia her full focus. Max furrowed her brows,
"What do you want to talk about?" Emilia walks up to her and stood in between Maxine's legs that were hanging down the side of the counter. Max smiles at her but then takes her bottom lip between her teeth to chew on it.
Emilia looked up at Maxine while she was looking down at her. Sharing an intense intimate eye contact. They both lean closer to each other just so they touch each other's foreheads. They stay like that for a moment, Emilia closing her eyes to enjoy every single butterfly in her stomach before she separates their foreheads and she takes in a deep breath before talking.
"My mom called" she started. She felt a bit of the invisible weight on her loosen as she had said the first words. Now she had begun to tell Maxine about her mom's call and now she didn't feel like it was as tough to continue.
"What did she say?" Max said beginning to show worry in her face, only thinking the worst. Like some relative got sick or hurt so she has to fly back to California or that her parents told her to come back home cause they missed her or.. her thoughts almost continued until Emilia spoke,
"She told me her and dad misses me. And that they "forgive" me for my "sins". And they told me they want me to come home" there she said what Maxine feared the most. She could feel her heart sink down into her stomach as she felt a big lump in her throat as she tried to swallow. Max remained quiet trying to come up with something to say but neither her brain wanted to work nor her mouth open to speak. Finally her mouth opened, but she only closed it and started biting her bottom lip again. What did this mean? Is Emilia going back home? Will she never see her again? Would her parents ever approve of her relationship to Max? Or is she leaving and going to forget Maxine ever existed?
Finally Maxine decides to say something,
"Oh" was all she let out, well all she was capable to let out, her mouth was too dry to speak.
"I don't wanna leave" Emilia whispers as a single tear slips down her cheek.
"I don't want you to leave" Maxine says as a tear slips down from her glassy eyes. Emilia gets closer to Maxine as she pulls her in for a tight hug. Without letting go for a moment, both of them let their tears slip down their faces.
Now with their wet faces, a little bit mascara ruined and shaky breathes they pull apart and meet in a soft kiss.
As Emilia gripped a hold of Maxine's waist, pulling her in against her body as their kisses got more passionately.
Max moaned lightly into the kiss before taking her lips away from hers to breathe. Max wiped away a tear from Emilia's cheek. As they were leaning in again there was footsteps from the stairs. The couple turned their faces toward the noice,
"Oh sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt" Abby says giving an apologetic smile to the girls.
"No its okay" Emilia smiled back at her and checked her phone quickly, noticing she had gotten a message.
"Hey I have to go, I'll be back with dinner from Joe's. Abs you want anything?" Emilia said putting on her boots and leather jacket.
"I'll take whatever you guys have" Emilia nodded and went towards the counter and took the car keys and connected her lips with Max's for a long second before waving at Abby with a smile and left out the door.
The door shut with a bang and Abby came into the kitchen.
"I guess you guys are having a good time" Abby states as she takes out a water bottle from the fridge. Maxine can't help but smile as she blushed.
"Yeah" she says as she reached for Abby's water bottle, she hands it to her and smiled. She took a sip and looked at her phone, right that second, a message popped up on her screen. Max handed the water bottle back to Abby and scrunched her brows together when she looked at the message, which was from Ginny.
- Emilia is bad for you

Seriously Ginny, can you stop with this already? -

Maxine shakes her head at Ginny's text message.
"Ugh, I'm so tired of Ginny's shit" Maxine groaned,
"What do you mean?" Abby takes a sip of her water and then puts the cap on.
"I don't understand why she's so against Emilia" She says and tilts her head back and groans.
"Yeah, she really has something against her" Abby says seriously.
"But I don't understand what Ginny could possibly have against Emilia. I mean she's smart, beautiful and talented. And Beautiful" Max explains with wide eyes and a smile on her lips.
"Oh your so falling for her" Abby says shaking her head as she chuckled. Maxine only bit her lip lightly and nodded fast. Abby laughed at the girl's response.
"Hey, wait, what do you mean by talented?" Abby stops for a second to think over it. Max stopped laughing and gave the answer,
"I mean, anyone who walks in those heels, she's wearing is talented" the girls only laughed until the door opened.
Ginny walked in like she owned the house and walked right up to the girls in the kitchen. Abby and Maxine quickly glanced at each other receiving contact with the other.
"Hey Ginny?" Abby said almost in a question.
"Hi" she said smiling,
"I saw Emilia leave so I took the opportunity to see my friends" Ginny said as she sat down on a bar stool at the island. Maxine just looked at Ginny entirely confused of her recent attitude.


"I'm so glad you could make it!" Georgia's voice sang in the room. She put down her glass of red wine and went up to hug the teenager.
"Hii" She said back and hugged Georgia back. Georgia took the girl's hand and pulled her to the bar stools at the bar.
"What's the latest?" Georgia asks as they have just sat down at the bar.
"I'm mean, me and Max are like amazing-" Emilia started but was cut off by Georgia.
"I meant about your parents" Georgia said with a straight, serious face. Emilia sighed deeply and just nodded.
"They want me to come home, like as soon as possible" Emilia said as she started to chew the inside of her cheek.
"Really? Dang it. I knew they were homophobic, especially when I took a girl home once, but I didn't think they would change their minds so quickly" Georgia shaked her head and took a sip of her wine.
"Yeah, I mean. I would love for them to be more accepting, It would be amazing if I could introduce Max to them. But I wish that they could just not want me home already. Like, how did they change their mind so quickly?" Emilia says while Joe comes up with a glass of coke and placed it right in front of Emilia.
"You think they have changed their mind about your sexuality?" Georgia asks as she took another sip of her wine. Emilia breathed heavily as she was thinking about her parents.
"I would love that, but to be honest I'm just really scared that they won't love me the same anymore" Emilia said as a tear of hers rolled down her cheek. Georgia wiped her tear away with her hand and hugged the kid so good she could from her sitting position.
"You are always welcomed home to me, okay? You know I love you" Georgia says as Emilia sniffled once and smiled genuinely towards Georgia.

When Emilia was a small kid she lived with her parents in a small neighborhood in another state from the one she was living in today. Emilia's mother's long time friend lived right across the street, being their favorite neighbor. Her mother's friend, Georgia lived with her baby, Ginny. Emilia being a toddler, she connected with Georgia and they grew a long lasting friendship, but as Georgia kept moving and Emilia's family moved out to California the only connection was through Emilia's mom and Georgia.
Years later when Emilia's parents decided to send her away to wellsbury, it was an accident that it was the place where Georgia just moved.

A/n I hope that made sense

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I hope that made sense.
Thank u sm for 70k readers <3
Remember that u R amazing!

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