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*TW: Abuse, Attempted suicide. There is description so please skip ahead if you feel uncomfortable reading.
There will be "***"
at the beginning and end of the section.

Harlow's POV

I wake up nice and early with the sun streaming brightly through the windows. That was the best sleep I've had in ages. Better then yesterday, that's for sure. Suddenly remembering where I am, a large, muscular arm tightens around my waist.

I turn my body towards Xavier as he pulls me closer in his arms. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Without thinking about it, I let my fingers gently run across his chiseled jaw bone.

He releases a small, sleepy sigh before his eyes shoot open.

"What are you doing?" He asked, surprised.

I was quick to draw my hand away from him, giving him a shy smile.

"I'm sorry... I just couldn't help myself." I said.

His eyes roam lower as if he's finally realizing he has me wrapped tightly in his embrace. "I, have to go to the bathroom." He said, hurrying to jump out of bed. His arms were removed from mine so fast you'd think he just put his hand on a hot stove.

"Okay?" I answered, feeling confused.

He ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Xavier's POV

Fuck, was I really cuddling him?

Toscano's don't cuddle. What is wrong with me?

I've never spent more than one night with a man since Alexander. I fuck them, then leave. Nothing more. I've never wanted to be close to anyone in years. It's just not worth the risk.

This feeling of wanting Harlow though, it's almost more powerful than my desire to leave him. I could technically let him go. Let him get on with his life and away from this place, but I can't. At least not yet.

Maybe I just need to get it out of my system. But not with Harlow. Yeah that's a good idea. If I sleep with him, I don't think I could ever let him go. He's already breaking through my walls, I can't let that happen.

A soft knock brings me out of my thoughts. I stride over to the door opening it quickly.

"What?"  I said in an irritated voice.

Harlow's soft voice was just above a whisper. "There's someone here to see you..."

"Tell them to fucking wait. Do not disturb me again." I seethed, slamming the door hard in his face, grunting out in frustration.

The door goes flying open a few moments later.

"I said do not distu-" I started.

"Is that any way to talk to your sister, Xavier?!" Milani shouted.

"What are you wearing, go put some fucking clothes on." I said angrily. She was wearing a sparkly, low cut dress with a fuzzy burgundy coat.

"Don't talk to me about my clothes! You're always such a fucking prick." She shouted.

"Maybe if you were dressed like something other than a thirsty slut I wouldn't have to say anything." I tsked.

Fated Enemies | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon