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Tw: Rape. Not descriptive of what is done. If you feel uncomfortable, I will put *** at the beginning and ending of the scene.

Harlow's POV

I'm so tired of being here. I miss my freedom. Not that I had a whole lot with Xavier, I mean he's gotten better but still. I feel disgusting. They haven't let me shower for the last week or even change my clothes. I've been stuck in this bed for twenty three hours and fifty minutes every day. The ten minutes difference is for going to the bathroom. Even then, I don't think they give me that long.

I'm restless. I'm hungry and I just wish I could get out of here. I've lost all hope that Xavier's coming for me. I'm beginning to think this is going to be my new life. Trapped and locked away like a prisoner.

"Knock, knock." Lorenzo's voice rang out from outside the door. He didn't wait for me to answer before welcoming himself into my room.

"What do you want?" I groaned in frustration.

"Well... I was bored and I want to have some fun." He said.

"Go have fun with someone else. I'm not interested."

"Oh, Harlow... Did I ask if you were interested? You don't get a choice." He laughed like I've just told him the best joke in this entire fucking world.

"Don't put a fucking finger on me or I swear to god!-"

"I will do what I want. You're in a bit of a compromising position, kid." He grinned.

"If you think twenty five is a kid, you must be pretty fucking old." I glared.

"That's something you don't need to know. You like older men anyways being with Xavier. He's quite a bit older than you. I've been waiting for what feels like forever for this moment... I made sure no one will interrupt us this time." He took slow steps towards me, just like he did the first time. Except I think this time, he might be right. I don't think there's going to be anyone here to interrupt him.

His body hovered over me for a second as I got the whiff of cigarettes and alcohol on his breath. It made me gag. In one quick motion, he grabs the neck of my t-shirt, ripping it straight down the center.

"Stop..." I said, feeling terrified.


He ignored my pleas, continuing to strip my clothes off until I was completely naked. I used my free hand to cover my dick, but just as quickly as I moved - he ripped my hand away, keeping me completely exposed for him. He gripped my thigh ridiculously tight, tears began build in my eyes.

He kissed me, he touched me.

He did unthinkable things to me.

Things I will never forget for as long as I live.

This monster took my virginity from me. I have never felt anything so painful in my entire life.

I screamed, I cried, I begged him to stop and he didn't give a single fuck.

He lifted his body from me, grinning from ear to ear. Sweat dripping down his disgusting body, dropping onto my skin. I've never felt so sick.

Fated Enemies | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora