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Xavier's POV

"...I'll take you back." I said to Alexander.

I had to give up the love of my life. I hoped doing this, letting him go, it would help him be free from my life of crime and murder. Harlow doesn't deserve this. He left his father for a reason. He wanted to escape this life, and I don't know if that's ever going to be a possibility for me.

With Harlow's father, and now Alexander after him, it's better for him to be in an undisclosed location that no one knows about. That way no one can ever hurt my baby. He can move on with his life, and finally find something he loves to do. He won't have to look over his shoulder in fear that he's going to get kidnapped at any moment. My heart is absolutely broken at the outcome of everything, but it had to be this way. I almost lost Harlow once, and I won't do it again.

"My, my... Just the words I was hoping you'd say. My Love." Alexander said.

"You know that I'm not doing this for you, right?" I felt my voice raising in anger.

This fucking bastard. Getting exactly what he wanted from me.

"I do this, you will never touch a fucking hair on Harlow's head. Do you hear me?" I said sternly.

"We'll see. You have to prove to me he is completely removed from your life first." I could feel his smile through the phone. It disgusted me to my core.

"He's gone. You don't have to worry about him any longer." I said.

This is the most difficult thing I've ever had to do. It's killing me to know that I won't see that beautiful smile again. The way his laughter would always brighten up a room. The feel of his silky smooth skin against mine.

I hope one day he can forgive me for this.

"X! Are you listening to me?!" Alexander shouted so loud, I had to pull the phone away from my ear.

"What?!" I screed back.

"I was saying, we're going to announce our relationship to the media. I can picture it already... Xavier Toscano, owner of the hottest nightclub in Jersey reunites with the true love of his life Alexander Gridall. CEO and founder of the newest, sexiest casino in town. A true power couple.

"Do we really need to go public with this? I've got enough shit to deal with." I rolled my eyes, already annoyed with his antics.

"You want Harlow to stay safe? We go public. Everyone will know you're mine and we'll take over this city. Oh! And you'll be coming to live with me next week. Get ready, sexy. I'll be seeing you soon."

"That's not-" I started.

"Fucking prick hung up on me!" I am furious. I can't say I've ever been this angry in my entire life. I slammed my fist into the wall beside me, punching a hole straight through to the other side.

"Jesus, Xavier! Are you okay?" Angela came running out of the room.

"Does it look like I'm okay?!" I bristled in anger. I'm fucking livid. "My life is a fucking shit show and there's nothing I can do about it!"

I didn't wait for her to respond. I said every curse in the book as I stormed out of the building. I took a cab, taking it to the club.

Thankfully it was close. I went inside, grabbed a bottle from behind the bar and headed towards my office.

As I approached, I noticed the door was slightly ajar. I never leave the door unlocked, let alone open. A faint light shined through the space beneath the ground and the door. I stepped closer, careful not to make a sound, reaching for the gun in the back of my slacks.

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