Twenty Nine - Epilogue

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It's coming up on two years since I've  moved into the house that Leo had got fore.

Two years of healing, forgiving and re-breaking my walls. It's been a long journey, but I can honestly say for once in my life. I'm truly happy again. I've seen a therapist every week since I've gotten here and it has helped me tremendously. I've figured out how open myself up to loving again and he's helped me face my fears and learn to cope with them.

I no longer have to look over my shoulder for potential threats since my fathers been gone. Surprisingly his house was left to me in his will, so I sold it and kept the money. I used some of the money I got from Leo to keep his business running so I can keep his memory alive. From getting my fathers money, I have more then enough for myself to live comfortably for the rest of my life. I've decided not to take any of the profits made from Leo's company.

Instead I've used it to run an affordable clothing line to keep the profits coming in... And I donate the rest to help children and young adults in abusive homes. We provide funding for a safe home, counselling, and the chance at starting a new life. It was tough sorting everything out, but Leo's assistant was more then happy to help me. I promoted her to COO of the company, which I just sign off on any requests she has.

We've made an absolute killing with both companies and it makes me so happy supporting people in need of help. I know if I had the option that we're giving these people, I would have taken it in a heartbeat. I've made so many amazing relationships with these children, it breaks my heart seeing what they've gone through.

It's nice knowing I can make even just a small difference in someone's life. When I first got here two years ago, Xavier stayed with me for the first few days, but unfortunately had to go home. I won't lie, it took me a long time to feel like I could trust him and rebuild our relationship again... But he's been so patient with me and me to him. We've given each other space to heal on our own.

He's come back here every weekend to come and see me. After sorting some things out in Jersey... He moved to London to be close to me. He got his own place and we stay together all the time. Sometimes he's here, sometimes I go to him. I'm a couple hours away from him but that hasn't stopped us.

Since he's moved here, he's gotten out of the mafia and strictly into the club business. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him by my side. So tonight, I have a special evening planned.

I'm going to ask him to move in with me, and I'm going to ask him to marry me. We've talked about it for some time now but I think we're just waiting for one of us to make the move.

Shit, it's already 4. He's going to be here in an hour and I still need to get ready. I rush back into my house, walking straight to the bedroom and taking out the newly tailored suit I got for tonight.

Just as I finished straightening out my tie, there's a gentle knock on the door.

Oh god. He's here. He's early! I grabBED the small ring box sitting on my dresser, tucking it into my back pocket.

Releasing a deep, shaky breath, I made my way to the front door.

"Wow, baby. You look so beautiful." Xavier smiled.

"Me? Look at you! Is that silk?" I gushed.

"It is. I picked it up the other day."

"You look perfect, my love." I stand up on my toes, pressing my lips to Xavier's for a sweet kiss.

I could stay and do this all night, but if I keep kissing him I'll never ask him. "Mm, okay, okay. We need to stop."

"Is that really what you want right now, sweetheart?" He smirked.

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