Twenty Eight

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This is it... I know what I decide to do now will be solidifying whether I want to try again with Xavier or not.

"Harlow, just know... Whatever you decide is okay. I don't want you to feel forced staying with me. I want it to be out of your own free will and choice."

"It's just... God, it's so hard. I don't know how to open myself up again. What if something happened to you too?" I asked nervously.

"You can't live your life in fear. I know what you've gone through lately has been tough. But you can't always think the worst is going to happen. The main threat, your father, he's gone now. Alexander is gone. There's no one else who is trying to hurt you. I can't promise there won't be issues in the future, but that goes for absolutely anything no matter the severity."

I guess he has a point. my thoughts came to a hault as my phone began to ring in my pocket.

Hm, unknown number. "Sorry, I think I should get this, I'm not sure who it is."

"That's fine, Harlow. Take your time."

I walked to the back of the plane, pressing the phone to my ear.


"Good morning, sir. Is this Mr. Harlow Tirelli?"

"Oh, um, yes... This is Harlow. What can I do for you?" I asked.

"I am Mr. Andersen's lawyer and he has put you in his will. There are a few matters I'd like to speak with you on."

"Okay... Um, do you want to do this over the phone ?"

"Unfortunately, sir. I have something I am required to deliver to you in person. I was hoping we could meet if you have some spare time?"

"Well I'm currently out of the... city... I can meet you tomorrow if that works for you?"

"That sounds wonderful. I'll send you a message with the address to my office. And Harlow?"


"I'm very sorry for your loss. Leo was an incredible man. We were quite close, he talked very highly of you."

"Thank you. That's very kind."

"So I'll send a message your way shortly. We'll meet say, 10 am?"

"Sure, that sounds good. Thank you."

I hung up the phone, putting it back in my pocket, buzzing a few seconds later with what I assume is the address.

I don't know why he put me in his will, it's like he knew something was going to happen. Maybe I'll get some answers tomorrow. I can only hope.

After a few minutes recollecting myself, I headed back to the main area of the jet.

"I have to go back to London." I announced.

"Oh, I see..."

"It's... It's not like that. Leo's lawyer called me. He needs to go over some things in his will."

"Oh... Okay. I will have the pilot take you there." Xavier said.

"I was hoping you'd maybe come with me."

"Really? Why? I mean - it's not that I don't want to, I'm just kind of surprised."

"I was thinking and all we really have now is each other. I just don't think I can do this alone. I understand if you don't want to though. I know it's going to be strange for you."

"I'm always going to be there for you, sweet boy. I don't think you realize how much I truly care for you. How much I love you. I'm sorry if I'm a little forward with you. It's just that I haven't seen you in so long and I've missed you so much."

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