Chapter 42: The Front Lines

Start from the beginning

Commander Von Mcdale then says, "Now then, all of you that feel that you are excellent with magic please step forward." Once they have, the commander states, "Very well, you will all be joining the magicians division. I will have a man show you out."

Once these people have been shown out of the tent, the commander then states, "Now then I need the very best of soldiers to serve in the vanguard. If any of you feel that you are an exceptional warrior then please step forward." With this statement both Cain and Abel step forward. A silver rank adventurer that came with the group also steps forward at this time.

Seeing these three stepping forward, Commander Von Mcdale says, "Very well. I will have you be shown to the vanguard division. Please try not to die on me. I have been losing too many in the vanguard division as of late."

After these three have been led out the commander then says, "Now then the rest of you I suppose fight with melee weapons, or with bows. Both are fine. You will be put in the secondary division of the company. These are the soldiers that go in right after the vanguard engages the enemy."

With this being said, Zane and those that were still in the tent are led out of the tent. They are then directed to the far east side of the camp. When they get to this place, Zane sees that a number of the soldiers in this area have bandages around their heads, arms, and legs. From what Zane can tell, some of these soldiers have infected injuries based on how the soldier looks.

Seeing this, Zane asks one of the knights, "Do you have any medical supplies to treat those men's injuries?"

"Why are you worried about getting hurt yourself?" one of the guards snickers.

Zane replies, "No, I was just curious. I have some training as a healer and was planning on providing them aid if you had the right materials."

Hearing this the soldier asks, "Do you really know how to help them?"

"Yes, I do. I have worked with doctors on several occasions. I was also given some training by Dr. Darntho, Dr. Yu, and several others," Zane states.

"That is incredible. The only adventurer that I know about who has any knowledge of medicine is the Bringer of Miracles," the soldier says.

Zane replies, "That would be me actually."

"No way," the soldier says in awe. He then says, "I will show you to the medical tent right away. We have a few supplies there. There is also a single field medic that has somewhat limited training. It would be an honor for you to work with him."

At this point, Zane is led away from this area of the camp to another area. When he gets to this section of the camp, he can smell the scent of death near one of the tents. This is the tent that he is led into. It is the medical tent for the military camp. Inside there are a number of injured soldiers that are waiting for medical treatment from the single medic in the camp.

Upon entering the tent the soldier says to the single field medic that is inside the tent, "This young man is the Bringer of Miracles. He has agreed to help you take care of the wounded."

The field medic looks at Zane and says, "He looks pretty young to be a legendary healer. I always thought the Bringer of Miracles was an old man."

"Sorry to disappoint you," Zane replies.

The medic then says, "It is fine. Honestly, if you are willing to do the work and have some knowledge I really don't care if you are the real deal or not." He then says, "I have a patient in here that needs his arm amputated. Do you think you can help with that?"

"Sure," Zane replies. He is then led by the medic to a man in the corner. The left arm of this man has a disgusting amount of pus coming out of it. Seeing this, Zane is positive that the man's arm has become infected by something. From the looks of it, Zane is guessing that the infection is starting to spread to the rest of the body, which is why the arm needs to be amputated.

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