Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Why did you need to speak to Levi?" She asked abruptly.

"Work stuff" Synn muttered, taking another bite of the scone.

"If you're gonna be involved in this part of my life, I expect to know what's going on. Don't go all professional on me too, it's already weird enough how different you are around my brothers" Aurora scolded, forgetting about the scone in her hand. Synn tried to focus on what she was saying, but there was cream on the corner of her lip as she spoke that distracted him greatly. It was annoying him.

"I told him about Jace, I don't like him" Synn shrugged. He wiped the cream from the corner of her lip with his thumb and sucked it off quickly, all done smoothly and nonchalantly but it had Aurora gazing up at him with parted lips. Synn looked down at her and cocked a brow, waiting for her to say something. Suddenly she snapped out of her trance end glared at him with a deep pout.

"You can't do shit like that when I'm sitting in my own family kitchen" She whispered yelled. Synn leaned forward, palms resting on either side of her on the counter, trapping her between his arms.

"Maybe you shouldn't eat like a slob then" He said flatly, cocking his head to the side.

"I'll just save it for when we're alone" She replied cheekily, a mocking smile on her face as she gazed up at him through her lashes.

"We are alone" Synn raised a brow.

"Are you suggesting we do naughty things on this counter simply because we are alone?" Aurora gasped, mocking horror as she stared at Synn with wide eyes. Synn frowned in confusion, opening his mouth to defend himself as that was most certainly not what he was suggesting, but she bet him to it.

"How unprofessional" She said suggestively while wiggling her eyebrows, placing her hand on his chest. Synn scoffed and rolled his eyes. He pushed himself back from the counter and stood up straight. Aurora decided to hop down this time and get a drink if water. The close proximity had her thirsty.

Synn suddenly felt the his phone vibrate in his pocket. He silently groaned at the thoight of having tonuse the thing, but still took it out and seen he had a message from Levi.

'Take Aurora out of the house for a bit'

Synn furrowed his eyebrows but was going to comply nevertheless. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and looked at Aurora who was gulping down a pint of water.

"I need a good coffee if I'm gonna have to be with you all night. Let's go to that cafe" Synn said nonchalantly. Aurora perked up at the idea of getting out of the house.

"Amazing idea! We haven't been on a date in ages, lemme get a jacket" She said cheerfully, running out of the room intentionally before Synn could tell her it wasn't a date. She knew it wasn't, she just loved to piss him off. Synn left to stand at the front door with red cheeks, waiting for her to come down. She skipped down the stairs with a white cardigan wrapped around her shoulders.

"Put the cardigan on, you're going to be cold" Synn said, annoyed. Aurora stopped beside him and looked up at him with a stubborn frown.

"No, it looks way cuter like this" She replied, pulling open the front door and heading to the car. Synn scowled but headed out after her, closing the front door behind him.


Upstairs all six brothers were sat around Levis office. Levi waiting g for Atlas and Axel to come home first, which wasn't long after. He didn't bother questioning them yet, but noted that he would have to question them later.

"Beau informed me that Jace Matthews approached Aurora after school today" Levi said from his position at his desk, leaning back in his chair. Axel and Atlas shared a displeased look, not happy with themselves that they weren't there at the time. "He didn't do anything as such, but warned her to watch her back" Levi continued.

"We've settled in enough and have the security we need for the moment. I think it's time to make our mark as the King's in this country" Levi declared, a sense of pride in his tone. All of them had different reactions to this, knowing what it would mean. Axel and Elijah smirked at one another and did a small handshake. Atlas simply stared at Levi and Isaac grimaced at what's to come. Alaric, he stood up straighter from his position leaning against the wall and waited eagerly for what Levi had planned.

"We're starting with the Knights. They need to be put in there place. We should not be getting a warning from them, they should should be warned about us. We should have done with ages ago but it was too risky, now it's almost too risky not to. We get started now" Levi spoke with sheer determination.

"When shall Will and Scott be back?" Isaac asked him. Levi asked them to do a favor for him not too long ago.

"Soon" Levi said firmly, liking that Isaac was already thinking of ways and help. Isaac nodded at him, pleased with the answer.

"So what can we anticipate? Blood? Mutilation? Electrocution? I want to know what I can get excited about" Axel said, standing up and rubbing his hands together. He was excited about this. Elijah smirked at Axel, knowing he was wondering the same. Levi rolled his eyes at their childish antics.

"That is to be discussed. We will got through a plan, just the six of us before we involve anybody else. Get your coffee because I want this to be completed by morning. Then I shall inform Christopher Crudes and his men but she will have no major part in this besides making sure everyone and everything is where it needs to be on time. We will make our statement by doing the dirty work. All of us. We can't have one of us seeming weak" Levi explained firmly to the lads.

"What about Aurora?" Atlas asked, growing both concerned and confused as to he part in all this. Levi pursed his lips for a second, thinking.

"I haven't decided. I've sent her out with Mr. Parker for the moment. I do not want to risk bringing her into the light of this but I know she will be fuming if we keep it from her" Levi answered. They all agreed with his words, unsure of what to do themselves. Aurora would be annoyed that they are even doing this to begin with, but eventually she would understand...right?

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