Chapter Forty Two

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Chapter Forty Two

A few hours later

Nova's POV

I sat outside the clubhouse on top of the picnic table, just as Jax sat next to me, handing me his smoke. "So you and Wendy and a baby?" I asked glancing at him as I took a puff of the smoke. "Just one of those things, we tried reconciling and now she's pregnant." Jax explained shrugging his shoulders. "How are you doing with that?" Jax asked nodding his head over at Kozik who was walking across the lot. "We're good although it would be nice for a bit of MC peace." I answered honestly handing Jax the smoke back.

Kozik's POV

I looked to see Nova deep in conversation with Jax before I walked into the office and shut the door where Gemma was filling in some paperwork. She looked up and took off her glasses as I sat down. "What's going on Koz?" Gem asked. "I want your opinion." I told her as she nodded. "I love Nova and I know how much she cares about everyone here." I said gulping slightly before reaching into my kutte and pulling out the ring box. "I want to give this to her but I'm not sure if she's ready." I explained to Gemma who smiled widely as I opened the box and showed her the ring. "It's absolutely gorgeous Kozik and you should ask her, she's more than ready." Gemma simply answered as I slipped the box back inside my kutte. "Thanks Gemma." I replied as I stood up, she quickly stood and hugged me as well before letting me go and I walked out to the garage.


I stood looking through the shelves at Nova's full sketch books, pulling out the odd one as flipping through amazed at her talent. As I flipped through one, a plastic sleeve fell out, I quickly picked it up and looked at the piece of paper inside, realising it was a license to tattoo. I put the slip and book back before walking into the kitchen where Nova was, I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her back flush to my chest.

"You didn't tell me you had your tattoo license." I said softly. "You never asked." Nov replied smiling turning around in my arms, wrapping his arms around my neck. "Well maybe when we get back to Tacoma and everything is sorted, you can ink me." I suggested smiling. "Maybe." She replied leaning up and kissing me. "Love you." I told her. "I love you too." Nov replied breaking away as she went to answer the door as the food we'd ordered had arrived.


Nova's POV

I stood in the bathroom in a short black and purple lace chemise, moisturising my skin as Kozik finished showering. He stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist as he did, his wounds still healing. I reached into the bathroom draw and pulled out my birth control pills, getting ready to take one, when Kozik's hand reached around and took them from me. I turned around and leaned back against the vanity looking up at Kozik who was turning the pill packet over and over in his hand. Kozik stepped forward, putting the pills back on the vanity beside me, before putting his hands on my waist and lifted me up onto the counter, standing in between my legs as I put my hands on his water glistened shoulders.

Kozik picked up the pills again and looked down at them before glancing up at me. "Let's have a baby." He said outright, his voice soft. "What?" I asked hoping I'd heard him right. "If anything, the last few months have made me realise what I want from life, I want you and I want us to have a baby." Kozik told me, his voice soft as his eyes remained looking into mine. I leaned forward, kissing him softly before pulling back and leaning my forehead against his. "Is that a yes?" Kozik asked. I took my hand off his shoulder and took the pill packet from his hand, leaning over and dropping them in the bin before reaching down and pulling his towel away from his hips, letting it drop to the ground, kissing him again.

Kozik picked me up, carrying me through to the bedroom and laying me down on the bed. "Are you up to this?" I asked gently. "Defiantly." Koz replied as he straddled me, his hands moved up and pulled the chemise off as he leaned down and kissed me. I rolled us over, and kissed my way down his body, taking him in my hand only for him to lift me back up to him, rolling us over again, grabbing my left leg and wrapping it around his waist, as he slid himself into me, filling me to the hilt...


The next morning

Kozik's POV

I woke to Nova still asleep, her head buried into my neck and her left hand laying over my heart, my hand holding her hip lightly. I careful leaned over, making sure I didn't wake her, and pulled the box from my kutte. I ran my hand along her spine lightly as I opened the box the box and lifted out the ring, gently slipping the ring onto her left hand ring finger. Her head pulled out of my neck and she looked down at her hand that I was still holding, she looked at the ring and gasped before looking back up at me. "Marry me?" I asked softly smiling. "Yes" Nova replied excitedly as she moved to kiss me, moving her body over to straddle me as I deepened the kiss. I rolled her over, hovering over her, "I love you" I said breathlessly before kissing her again.

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