Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine

Three Days Later

Nova's POV

I sat crossed legged in the chair beside Kozik's bed watching as he slept, finishing off a portrait of him even though it was still early. It had been five day since he had been shot and he was more than ready to get out of the hospital, even going so far as pulling out his I.V. and kicking up a stink but I managed to calm him down and make him stay even though he still has a long way to go until her completely healed. Every lead has been a dead end and its infuriating.

"Morning" Kozik said in his sleepy voice, making me stop drawing and look up at him. "Morning." I replied. "I'm ready to get out of here." Kozik told me making me smile. "I know babe." I replied. "What are you working on?" Kozik asked. "Just a picture of you." I replied as I handed the book over to him. "This is amazing, what else have you got in here." Kozik said as he began flicking through the almost full sketch book, looking over all the drawings, some of Mason, a lot of him, and just whatever else I felt like drawing. I sat watching him looking through the book, saying his favourites, until the doctor came in.

"I'm going to discharge you but on the condition that you come back in a few days time to get checked over, there's to be no smoking or drink, no riding of any sort and you have to take it easy. Remember what I said about avoiding stress and strenuous activity." The doctor told Kozik who was clearly just excited to be getting out. "I'll make sure of it." I told him as the doctor handed the paperwork over for Kozik to sign. "A nurse will be in to escort you out in a minute." He said as he walked out, Kozik already rooting through the bag and pulling out a shirt along with his jeans, as I untied the hospital gown before packing everything up. Just as he finished getting dressed the nurse walked in with a wheelchair, alongside the prospect who had a smirk on his face. "It's hospital policy, I'm sorry." The nurse told us as Kozik protested but eventually got in. "I'll push him, Maz can you take the bags and pull my car round the front." I said giving the prospect my keys which he quickly took, along with the bags and walked out quickly.

We got to the car and the prospect was already waiting with his bike in front. "Can we at least stop at the club before we head home?" Kozik asked as he got in the car. "We can but then you are going home to rest." I told him firmly as he still tired easily, shutting the door before walking round and getting in. The prospect drove in front of us as we made out way to the club, as we did Kozik grabbed my hand in his, "I love you Nova" "I love you too."

We arrived at the club and walked in with Maz in front of us. I let go of Kozik's hand as Kelly came over to me with Mason who I quickly took in my arms as I watched Kozik put his kutte back on with the help of Happy before they did their man hug thing and whispered between each other.

"You up for church?" Hamco asked Kozik once all the greetings were over with. Kozik looked over at me making me laugh lightly and gave him a nod letting him know it was ok. I watched as he turned and walked into the chapel with the rest of the guys before sitting down with Mason and playing with his blocks with him.

Kozik's POV

I walked into church and sat down carefully, feeling my body react as I did but trying not to show it. "Right lets keep this brief. We have the escort business up and running and we are still looking for the shooters. I know you aren't fully recovered just yet so we'll keep it light." Hamco said as I nodded. "Anything anyone want to add?" Hamco asked around the table. No one spoke up so he ended church with the hit of the gavel. I stood up as everyone walked out and followed everyone out, watching as Nova handed Mason to Circa before walking over to me. "Is my bike in the garage?" I asked and Dash said yes. I put my arm over Nova's shoulders putting some of my weight onto her as I began to feel sore. "You want to take a look?" Nova asked. "Yeah" I replied. We slowly walked out of the clubhouse and across the lot to the garage. The bike was a wreck but nothing that couldn't be fixed "I'm glad my bike is insured" I said as Nova nodded. "It's already sorted out. Now are you ready to go home?" Nova asked as I nodded.


It felt so good to be home and laying on the couch. Nova handed me a plate with a freshly made sandwich and some fruit to eat, along with a bottle of water on the table. "I'm going to grab a shower." She told me before leaving me to eat. I finished eating and got up, going to put the leftover crust in the bin. As I lifted the bin lid, I saw a box, I reached in and pulled it out, looking at the pregnancy test. I heard the shower turn off as I sat at the table, looking at the box in front of me...

I heard Nova come down the hall and stop as she saw me holding the box. I waited until she sat down opposite me. "I thought I was but I'm not." She said breaking the silence. "Were you going to tell me?" I asked trying to process it. "Yes, the night you got shot, I was waiting up for you as I was scared to take it and wanted you to know, but then I found out you were in hospital and I rushed there. I was so scared that I was going to lose you and we were waiting for news, I went and took it." Nova told me honestly, her voice shaking as she did. I stood up, grabbing the box and walked over putting it back in the bin before turning back to Nova who had stood up as well. I walked over to her and cupped her face, kissing her forcefully before leaning my forehead against hers. "I'm sorry" I said. "Me too" She replied before kissing me again...

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