Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Hours later

Piney's POV

We were almost in Tacoma when we pulled into the gas station, Juice behind me. I looked over at Nova, her head was against the window and she was asleep. I turned the van off, before taking off my seatbelt, just as she opened her eyes. "Where are we?" She asked quietly, clearly still half asleep. "We're just stopping for gas, but we've only got another hour or so to go before we are in Tacoma." I told her before I got out of the van, shutting the door behind me.

"Juice, when you pay for the fuel, grab her a bottle of water and something to eat." I told him as I handed him the cash as we finished filling up. "Alright, how's she doing anyway?" Juice asked. "She's hurting but she managed to sleep the last few hours." I replied before walking back to the front and getting in as Juice went inside and paid. I watched as he walked out, handing me a bottle of water, a packet of chips and a cookie for Nova. He carried on walking and got into Nova's car. "Here, you need to eat." I said as I handed the food and water to Nova "Thanks Piney" she said as we started driving again.

"Here, take these now that you've eaten. It will help with the pain." I said as I handed her a bottle of prescription Vicodin, "You've been holding out on me." She said as she opened the bottle and took two, swallowing them with the water. She went to hand the bottle back but I shook my head "keep them" as she leaned against the window again. "What's going on in that head of yours beside focusing on the pain?" I asked, "I'm just worried Piney, everything is changing, it's just hard to leave but I know its what I need." Nova said honestly. I reached over taking her hand in mine "Right now, you don't need to worry about all that, just focus on healing and starting over in Tacoma. You know most of the guys and you can come back home to Charming whenever you want, you've always got family sweetheart. Everyone knows you are family, you ain't no sweet butt or crow eater". "Thanks Piney" She said smiling slightly, "So are you going to tell me why you assaulted that crow eater anyway?" I asked. "She was told to stay away from Charming especially after the damage she did to my family, I was just making good on a promise I made to her" Nova said simply making me chuckle.

Nova's POV

"Here we are" Piney said as we pulled into Tacoma's lot. We stopped and Juice pulled in beside us, I got out, just as Hamco, President of Tacoma, Bowie, the VP, Kozik, Sergeant at Arms, and members Donut and Lorca, walk out of the clubhouse. "Jesus Christ" Kozik exclaimed as he walked closer to me, looking at my face before pulling me into hug, "watch her ribs Kozik" Piney told him quickly as he let me go. "Here's your keys, I'll grab your bags." Juice said handing me my keys. We walked into the clubhouse.

"Kelly, show Nova to the room she'll be staying in." Hamco asked his old lady as we walked in. "Sure, follow me." She replied as Juice and myself followed her through the clubhouse, and into the dorms. We got to a room and she opened the door "it's not much but I already put fresh linen on the bed and cleaned the room, and you have a bathroom to yourself" as we walked in. "It's great, thanks." I said as we walked in. "Where do you want these Nova?" Juice asked as he was carrying all my bags, "Just on the floor, thanks Juice." I said as I grabbed my ribs again as I moved to sharply. Juice put my bags down at the foot of the bed before leaving Kelly and I alone. "Are you ok?" Kelly asked gently as I sat on the edge of the bed, "I will be" I replied cringing. "Let's head out to the bar and grab a drink" Kelly said as I nodded and stood up.

Kozik's POV

I watched as Juice walked back from the dorms before turning to Piney and asking "what the hell happened?". "Lets talk in the chapel." Hamco said as he put his hand on my shoulder, I stood up and walked into the chapel with Hamco, Piney and Juice. We closed the door behind us and sat down at the table. "She just needs to be safe, she's not on the run or anything like that, it was a club member who attacked her, it's not the first time. I know I don't need to say this but she is not a sweet-butt or a crow eater, she's family and should be treated like an old lady." Piney told us forcefully. "Of course Piney, but what's happening with the club member?" Hamco asked. "We'll be discussing that once Juice and I get back." Piney replied. "We need a new accountant anyway, and Nova was taught by Bobby so that's already a huge help. We will get her set up and take care of her, I give you my word Piney." Hamco said smiling.

"Has Nova been checked out by a doctor?" I asked knowing that her face couldn't be the worst of her injuries. "Chibs patched her up but getting her away from Charming was the priority." Piney replied. "We'll get her checked out tomorrow, we have a doctor on the payroll." I told them, worried about Nova. "Let's have a drink" Hamco said standing up and opening the doors, followed out by Juice, Piney and myself. As we walked out, I saw Nova sitting at the bar with Kelly.

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