Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Kozik's POV

I woke to the sun shining through the bedroom window, I was pressed firmly up against Nova's back, her in my arms. I leaned back and began kissing along her neck and shoulders, waking her as she moaned, her arm quickly moving to cover her eyes. I unwrapped myself from her and went to get out of bed, put her hand reached out, grabbing my wrist "stay" she said breathlessly. I laughed and crawled back over to her, straddling her as I leaned down and began kissing her neck, my hands trailing down her body before I stopped making her groan in frustration and her eyes snapped open to glare at me. "I have to shower and get to the club for church, we're voting on the prospect and pussy today, I mean the escort business." I said as I stood up off of her. "Just what the club needs more pussy." She stated making me laugh, her voice fading out, obviously from the loud sex we had last night. "Don't worry babe. I've got mine and we've got enough time to shower together." I replied before walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower, and stepping in. The door opened and Nova got in, standing in front of me, wrapping herself around me.

Nova's POV

I pulled into the compound with Kozik following me on his bike, I got out and walked over to him, as he pulled me closer and kissed me. "I'll be in the office, hurry up and maybe we can have an afternoon quickie." I whispered in Kozik's ear as my hand trailed up under his shirt brushing up against his toned stomach. "Naughty but I like it." He replied back before letting go and walking into the clubhouse.

Kozik's POV

I walked into the clubhouse, smiling wide, and headed straight into church, taking my seat as we began. We quickly voted yes to the escort business and on giving the prospect his top rocker, as well as giving Quinn his transfer to the nomads and the new prospect Maz.

Nova's POV

I walked out of the office to grab my jacket out of the car just as the club came out, I instantly noticed Dash had his top rocker. I walked over, "Congratulations" I said to Dash who thanked me. "We'll have to take a rain check, got to head out and deal with some things." Kozik said as he quickly kissed me just as a car screamed into the lot and slammed on the brakes. "Oh shit." Circa said from beside us as Kozik pulled me closer to him by my waist. I watched as Circa walked over and a woman got out, getting a baby boy in a car seat out of the car and handing him to Circa before walking to her boot and pulling out a pram, a duffel bag and a porta-cot. "Danielle, what are you doing?" Circa said. "It's your turn to be a parent to Mason, he's seven months." She replied before she slammed her boot back down and got back in her car, tearing out of the lot.

I watched as Circa walked over to the table, instructing Dash to get the rest of the stuff, and putting the car seat down. "Let's sort this out later, we really need to get to our meeting with the Niners." Hamco said as Circa looked lost. I pulled away from Kozik. "I'll watch him, get him cleaned up and go, pick up some basics from the store for him." I told Circa looking down at the little boy who looked just like Circa. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes, the club needs you and you can figure it out when you get back." I replied. "Thank you. Prospect stay here and do whatever she tells you to do." Circa said before handing me a wad of cash to pick up some things. Kozik quickly kissed me, "Be safe" I said as he walked over to his bike with the rest of the club and watched as they headed out.

"What's your name prospect?" I asked looked at the terrified kid. "Maz, Ma'am." He replied. "I'm Nova so no more calling me Ma'am. Could you take everything inside the clubhouse please? I'll take the diaper bag and Mason." I asked as he quickly nodded before picking up the collapsed stroller, the duffel bag, and porta-cot and following me inside, leaning it against the wall. I quickly lifted Mason out of the car seat and realised he was in need of a bath and a fresh nappy. "Maz, can you hold him while I ran a bath and get him a towel?" I asked as the prospect nodded and reached out, taking him into his oversized arms. I quickly walked out, grabbing a towel and running a lukewarm bath and then walking out, opening the duffel bag, managing to find a fresh diaper and a clean onesie, socks and Sons beanie along with some baby wash. I put everything down before walking back over to Maz and taking Mason back. "Maz, take everything in those bags and dump it all in the washing machine with lots of detergent please, actually put the diaper bag in too." I asked before I walked through to the bathroom and began bathing Mason. I finished bathing him and got him changed before walking back and putting him down in the carseat. "I put the washing on just as you said." Maz said as I strapped Mason in. "Thank you. Do you want to come with me to the grocery store and then the kids shop?" I asked as he quickly nodded, picking up Mason who was in his car seat and walking out as I followed behind him.

We arrived at the grocery store and I decided to hold Mason, resting him on my hip as the prospect pushed the trolley. I grabbed all the essentials, diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, and some solid foods that I figured he could eat like mini rice crisps and some soft fruits. We made it to the checkout and I stood rubbing Mason's back as he was a little grizzly, his head in my neck as the prospect loaded everything out of the trolley. We finished in the store and quickly put the bags in my boot before walking across the road to the baby store, the prospect once again carrying the basket, following behind me as I filled it up with new bottles, a couple of stuffed toys, a teething ring and a some new outfits and a baby blue knit blanket. We finished at the store and headed back to the clubhouse.

Kozik's POV

We finished our meeting with the Niners and headed over to the warehouse to meet with Ella who was going to be running the escort business, construction was well underway and the girls were already being interviewed.

Nova's POV

We got back to the clubhouse and the prospect carried everything in as I carried Mason in who was grizzly because he was hungry and tired. I quickly made him a bottle as the prospect put all his clothes in the dryer. "I'm going to restock the bar unless you need anything else?" Maz asked as I sat down with Mason as he munched on a rice crisp. "Thanks Maz." I said before beginning to feed him the bottle which he drank quickly. I burped him before changing his diaper, and wrapped him up in the new blanket. I heard the dryer let us know its cycle was finished, "Maz could you get that load out of the dryer, I'll fold it once he goes to sleep." I asked Maz, he quickly finished what he was doing and then grabbed the load of laundry out, walking back in and placing it down on the seat in the basket before returning back behind the bar. I stood up, holding Mason to my chest, his head resting on my shoulder, and rubbed his back softly, him settling down instantly, falling asleep in my arms. I stood holding him in one arm, while I folding all his clothes with my other hand on the table.

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