Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Nova's POV

We pulled into the lot, and Piney let go of my hand before he got out. I heard the door open and looked to see Jax, he quickly but gently lifted me out and carried me into the clubhouse with Piney following behind us, "Chibs" Jax said, gaining his attention, as he sat me down on a chair. "Jesus Christ, Bobby get the first aid kit" Chibs said as he looked at my face, coming closer "what the hell happened?" he asked as Bobby put the first aid kit down on the floor. "She needs her ribs checked as well" Jax said ignoring Chibs question.

I looked up at Chibs as he cleaned the blood from my face and tried to patch me up, checking over my ribs. I looked around at Tig, Bobby, Jax and Piney, who were all looking at me, watching as Chibs tried not to hurt me further. "Jax take her through to the apartment, and watch her ribs" Chibs said as he pulled off his gloves, I stood up as Jax quickly wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me up, carrying me through to the apartment. Jax carried me through and laid me down on the bed as I kicked off my shoes "thanks Jax" I said as he covered me up with the blanket before walking out.

Piney's POV

I watched as Jax carried Nova through to the apartment, as Chibs cleaned up, before looking around the room to see all eyes on me. I heard Jax walk back in as he lit a smoke, "I think we need to know what happened" Bobby said. "It was Whitney, it only happens when he gets drunk but this time he went to far, even she knows it this time" I told them simply as they looked disgusted. "How long has this been going on for?" Tig asked, his hands balling up in fists, "I only found out the last time, when she had that really bad black eye and cut" I replied. "She told me he would kill her, so we made a plan if it happened again, she would head up to Tacoma for her own safety, they are on board" I told them, "We need to call in Clay on this decision" Bobby said, "you can tell Clay and Gemma but she's going to Tacoma" I said taking another shot as I watched Tig call Clay.

It wasn't long until I heard Clay's bike and looked up at the cameras, seeing Gemma pulling in behind him. "Nova's in the apartment Mom, it isn't good even though Chibs has patched her up" Jax said as Gemma hugged him. "I'll go check on her" Gemma said but Bobby stopped her "you should stay Gem", she looks over at Clay and he nodded. "I talked to Tacoma and they need an accountant, they already know she's family, but if we don't get her out now, next time he will kill her" I told Clay, just as his attention turned to the hallway, I turned around and found Nova, holding her ribs and leaning against the wall. I watched as Gemma walked over, grabbing her and walking her over, making her sit down before looking at her face closely. "Call Tacoma and make sure they are still good, you can drive her up there in the van and Juice can follow behind in her car, if they are" Clay told me before continuing "if they can't, then keep her up at the cabin and we'll sort out what to do with him once you're back" Clay finished.

Nova's POV

"C'mon baby, lets get you back to bed" Gemma said as I stood up and we walked back towards the apartment. We got to the apartment and sat on the couch, I looked up at Gem, knowing she wanted answers. "It only happens when he's drunk but it's been getting worse in the past few months Gem." I told her. "I need you to protect him Gem, from the club, I know it's a club decision." I carried on as she nodded "I will but you need to be safe first and I know Tacoma will look after you" Gem answered before she held me closely.


Piney's POV

I stood outside waiting for Kozik to answer, the sun was just starting to rise, "Hello" I heard Kozik say groggily through the phone, "Kozik, it's Piney. I need to bring Nova up now, if its still ok" I said as he already knew the basics. "Yeah, that will be fine, I guess we should expect you tonight." he said, "Yeah, see you tonight." I replied hanging up. I walked back inside "Tacoma's good, we'll head up as soon as Nova is ready." I told the club.

Nova's POV

"I'm ready to go now." I said quietly as I walked through with Gemma behind me, my hand still holding her ribs. "Alright, Juice is going to follow behind us in your car" Piney told me as I nodded and dug through my bag, throwing him the keys. "Stay safe sweetheart" Bobby said as he hugged me gently, followed by Tig, Chibs, Jax, Clay and Gemma. I walked with Piney and got in the van, putting my sunglasses on, as we pulled out of the lot, heading for Tacoma.

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