Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

Nova's POV

I arrived at the hospital in record time and ran inside stopping at the receptionists desk. "Herman Kozik. I'm his girlfriend." I said as a nurses head snapped up at me. "He's in surgery, a doctor will be out to talk to you as soon as. Let me take you to the waiting room." She told me as she guided me down the hall into the waiting room before walking away.

I stood pacing the corridor back and forth until I heard the all too familiar sound of heavy footsteps coming down the hall towards me. "Nova" Happy said stopping me as I turned around to look at him and the rest of the club. "All I know is that he is in surgery." I told them, my voice quivering, I stopped as I saw Gardiner walk in and wait. I made my way through the club and walked up to him, the club seemingly by my side. "Any idea on what happened?" Donut asked Gardiner. "We don't know much, but I can tell you that Kozik wasn't wearing his kutte so they had to be following him for a while. His bike is badly damaged, it needs to be picked up on a flatbed tonight and can be taken back to the club. I locked up the house." Gardiner explained as I nodded before I walked over and sat down, my nerves shot as my mind raced. I watched as the club talked a minute or so longer with Gardiner before he left, then began to talk between themselves.

I watched as Hamco walked over to me and sat down on the table in front of me while the rest of the club sat down in the various chairs around the room. "Where was Kozik coming from as he wasn't on club business?" Hamco asked me quietly. "I honestly don't know, he just told me he had something to do and would be home late." I replied noticing my hands were shaking slightly. Hamco grunted in reply before moving into a seat. I looked around at the club, I stood up mumbling an excuse me before walking down the hall and headed into the bathroom. I found myself in a cubicle with the pregnancy test in my hands, quickly taking it before walking out to the sink. I washed my hands while I waited for the test to give me the results. I looked over as it was finally time and say the words "not pregnant". I picked up the test and shoved it back in the box, putting it back in my bag, unsure of how I felt. I walked out of the bathroom and back down to the waiting room, sitting down next to Happy as Dash handed me a coffee. "Koz will be alright." Happy told me quietly but firmly.


It felt like hours, it had been hours, four hours to be exact, every tick of the clock becoming more painful as I paced back and forth again along the halls. Sitting and waiting really wasn't my thing, and I knew I was being watched. I stopped as I saw a doctor walking towards us, a nurse at his side, the club immediately at my side as I stopped, as if they knew. The doctor walked up to us, "Herman Kozik's family." He asked as I nodded quickly, my voice seemingly lost. "He's out of surgery. He took four bullets, one to the shoulder, two to the abdomen with one of those piercing his lung causing it to collapse, and one to his neck. He also took a considerable fall from coming off his bike, he has a concussion, a couple of large gashes to his right arm and leg which we've cleaned and stitched as well as some minor cuts and bruising to his right side. We're going to keep him sedated for at least the next twelve hours to help him." The doctor said making me feel sick as every word he spoke made me worry more. "Thanks Doctor." Hamco said. "Can I see him?" I asked. "Of course. Follow me." the doctor replied. I followed the doctor down the hall and away from the club.

We stopped outside a door, the doctor nodding to me before turning around and leaving. I opened the door and walked in, shutting it behind me, and turning to look at Kozik, shocked at just how bad he looked, covered in bandages, needles, tubes and wires. The bruising was clearly already formed. I walked over slowly, putting my bag down, I stood next to him and lightly grasped his hand, leaning over and placing a delicate kiss on his forehead before I whispered "I love you" and sat in the chair next to his bed.

I heard the door open a short while later but didn't bother to move my eyes from Kozik's. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, "He's strong Nova." Hamco told me as I nodded just enough so that he knew I heard him, "We're going to find who did this Nova". "I know" I replied quietly. "We're going to head out, the prospect is going to stay outside the door, and Kelly will come by soon as her shift starts in an hour. If you need anything or anything changes get the prospect to call me." Hamco said as he lifted his hand from my shoulder. I waited until he reached the door "Thank you", I said as I turned and looked at him, he nodded before walking out the door as I went back to watching Kozik.


Hours later

I stood up and walked out of the room, the prospect instantly jumping to his feet. "It's ok, I just need to stretch my legs." I told him as he nodded and sat back down. I walked through the halls of the hospital until I found myself in front of the nursery, looking through the window at all the newborn babies. I watched, a small smile tugging at my lips although my eyes were watery. "The prospect told me you went to stretch your legs." Kelly said as she stood beside me. "You know a few hours ago my biggest worry was if I was pregnant and how I would tell him...Now Kozik is laying in that bed, being kept under sedation with four bullet wounds and no idea who did this." I told Kelly wiping my face before turning around and walking back to Kozik's room.

The prospect opened the door for me as I got to Kozik's room, I thanked him as I walked back in and sat back down, taking Kozik's hand in mine again, rubbing my thumb lightly over his knuckles. A nurse walked in, quickly checking his vitals along with his wounds, she looked up at me, "he's stable but still critical." She told me as I nodded.

Kelly's POV

I pulled into the clubhouse and noticed the club was all standing in the garage, the flatbed parked in front. I walked over and saw they were all standing around Kozik's bike or rather what was left of it. I wrapped my arms around Hamco's waist. "How is he?" Hamco asked me as the club all looked at me. "There's no change." I replied. "And Nova?" He asked. "She's not good but she's being an old lady, staying strong." I replied earning a small smile and nod. "I'm going to head over there now and relieve the prospect for the night." Dash told Hamco before he walked out, across the lot to his bike. "Any news on who did this?" I asked but getting no response. "Lets leave the bike for Kozik or Nova to sort out, just throw a cover over it for now." Hamco told the club before walking away into the clubhouse.

Dash's POV

I walked into the hospital and up to Kozik's room, seeing the prospect sitting outside the door talking to a nurse. "Prospect, go home and get some sleep. Stay reachable and be back here first thing in the morning." I snapped, pissed that he was flirting. He quickly looked at me and nodded, scrambling out of there as the nurse stalked away. I opened the door and made my way in, truly shocked at Kozik laying there before looking over at Nova, her hand placed in his and her eyes still watching him despite the fact she looked beyond exhausted.

"How's he doing?" I asked quietly not to startle her. "He should wake soon as the sedation is wearing off." Nova replied. "I'm going to be outside for the night." I told her. "Has there been any news?" Nova asked. "Not yet." I replied before making my way back out and sitting down.

Kozik's POV

I felt the pain shoot through my body, trying to think back but everything seemed fuzzy. I felt a hand in mine, a thumb running along my knuckles. I gently squeezed the hand in mine before hearing a voice. "Kozik" Nova said as I groaned as I opened my eyes to the bright light. I watched as she stood up, relief clearly washing over her, as she leaned over and kissed my forehead, pushing my hair back as she did. "How bad is it?" I asked groggily feeling my eyes begin to close again...

Nova's POV

"How bad is it?" Kozik asked his voice barely above a whisper as he closed his eyes again. Clearly the meds had overwhelmed him and he had gone back to sleep but I was just glad he was awake. I sat back down, still holding his hand, and watched him sleep...

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