Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

Kozik's POV

I left the lot on my bike and headed for Seattle, needing to pick up a surprise for Nova and also take care of myself, figuring an out of town Narcotics Anonymous meeting would be as good as any. I made a point of attending at least two a year even though I had been clean for a long time.

Nova's POV

I walked into the house and put the groceries away, putting the fresh bunch of sunflowers in the vase on the bench. I looked down at the pregnancy test and picked it up, making my way through the house to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, glancing at myself, I realised I didn't want to take this test alone so I walked back out, taking the test with me and shoving it in to my bag, deciding that I would take care of the washing instead.

Kozik's POV

Two hours later and I was finally in Seattle, sitting in a NA meeting, listening as people shared their stories, I didn't need to share, sharing wasn't what I did. Not with a group of strangers anyway but listening filled me with a sort of unexplainable comfort as I knew I wasn't struggling anymore. It seemed selfish but it also made me appreciate things a lot more. The meeting finished and I hightailed it out of there, going to pick up my surprise for Nova.


I parked up out front of the glass building, the dark descended over the city. I walked into the building and Angela was waiting for me. "Hi Kozik, how was the ride up?" Angela said as I hugged her. "Good thanks. How are you?" I replied. "Good, lets head into the office." Angela said as we began walking. We walked into the office and I took a seat, finally nervous.

"She must be an amazing woman." Angela said as she put the box down in front of me. "She defiantly is." I replied smiling as I picked up the box. "Now I hope its right, I mean it is everything you asked for but we can alter it." Angela told me as I nodded. I opened the box and carefully picked up the ring contained inside, it was perfect, from the silver band to the inset diamonds to the inscription carefully engraved inside. "It's perfect Angela." I said as I slipped it back in the box, knowing it was just what I had described. "Great. Now I want to meet this lucky lady one day." Angela replied. "You defiantly will." I replied. "I should let you get home to your kids, thanks for this." I told her. "Well you should get back to your woman." Angela told me.

I walked out of the building with Angela and walked her to her car before returning to my bike. I pulled my kutte out from inside my saddlebag and slipped the box in the inside pocket before putting my kutte back in along with my knife and gun, locking it up before getting on my bike and hitting the road, heading home.


Nova's POV

It was already after midnight as I finished cleaning the house. I was just finishing folding the last load of washing when a knock at the door startled me. I quickly grabbed my gun and walked quietly to the door, peeking through the window to see Gardiner, I quickly lowered the gun to my side and opened the door. His eyes glanced up at me before catching sight of the gun. "Nova, there's been an accident." Gardiner said. I immediately glanced up at him, putting the gun back in my bag and grabbing it before slipping on my shoes and grabbing my keys. "Kozik come off his bike after he was shot multiple times. He's on his way to St Joseph's." Gardiner told me. I quickly sped past him, getting in my car and tearing out of the driveway...

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