Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Hours later

Kozik's POV

It was late at night when we arrived back at the club, and all I wanted was a cold beer considering everything that had just happened as I was sporting a cut lip. We walked into the club and the prospect immediately starting getting everyone drinks, I grabbed the cold beer and took a mouthful as I looked around for Nova but couldn't see her. "Kelly, have you seen Nova?" I asked her, "She was in the office when I got here but that was hours ago" she replied. I nodded picking up my beer and walked out across the lot towards the office. I leaned against the door frame, looking as Nova sat on the floor surrounded by piles of paper and boxes. "I see you found it but you do know its late right" I said quietly as not to startle her, "I didn't know I'd be working in hoarders-ville" she replied making me laugh lightly. "Jesus what happened?" She asked as she looked up at me, before she stood up and walked closer to me, I watched as Nova looked at my split lip before she noticed my knuckles, she reached her hand out, grasping my hand lightly as she ran her thumb over my bruised knuckles before looking back up at me. "Sorry" Nova said quickly, coiling back as she let go of my hand, "don't be, come join us in the clubhouse" I said as she nodded. Nova stepped back and walked across the room, picking up her keys and phone from the only clear corner of the desk, she walked back over and stepped out, shutting the door behind her and locking up the office.

Nova's POV

I walked across the lot with Kozik and into the clubhouse feeling slightly awkward about what just happened. As we walked into the clubhouse, Kozik walked over to the guys, although the club was full of crow eaters and sweet butts, while I walked over to the bar, which Dash was standing behind serving drinks. I sat at the bar and Dash put a bottle of water in front of me "thanks Dash" I replied as I looked around the club watching the way the Tacoma girls worked. "How are you feeling?" Dash asked, "I'm alright although broken ribs aren't that great, but at least I have an office full of paperwork to keep me busy for the next few days" I replied just as a young brunette walked over to Dash and wrapped herself around him, he quickly excused himself, making me smirk. I looked around the club, and noticed a short, plump blonde rubbing up against Kozik just as my phone started ringing. I quickly picked it up seeing as it was Piney and headed for the door.

"Hi Piney" I said as I got outside, sitting down at the table, "Hi sweetheart, how are you?" Piney asked. "I'm ok Piney, I know this isn't a social call so the club must have made a decision." I said cutting to the chase. "You always knew the difference, but you're right. The club did decide but its nothing you need to worry about." Piney replied. "Alright Piney." I replied before hanging up, just as I did I heard the door open. I looked over, just as Kozik sat down beside me, as he offered me his smoke, I bought it up to my lips and took a puff before handing it back to him. "You ok?" he asked, "yeah, that was Piney checking in" I replied.

"Why aren't you in with that blonde?" I asked before I realised what I was saying as Kozik chuckled. "I'm not interested in that well used pussy" Kozik replied making me laugh as I quickly grabbed my ribs. "Here" Kozik said as he handed me the cigarette which I took as he stood up. "Make sure you get some sleep. Night Nova." Kozik said before he walked over to his bike and rode out of the lot. I finished the cigarette and stubbed it out in the ashtray on the table, before standing up and walking back into the clubhouse, to my room, deciding that going to bed was probably for the best...

I woke up a few hours later, noticing the eerily silence that had descended, I looked over at the clock seeing it was just after 5am, I decided to get up and showered, going to my bags and pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans, a black muscle back, a white lace lingerie set, a grey cardigan and my usual black heels.

I finished getting ready and quietly walked out to the kitchen, grabbing a cup and pouring some coffee into it, before walking through the clubhouse noticing some of the guys, their female counterparts and various items of clothing and other things spread around. I continued through and walked out across the compound to the office, sitting back down on the floor and continuing to sort of the paperwork.

Kozik's POV

I arrived at the clubhouse and walked in finding Dash cleaning up. I walked through to the dorms until I got to Nova's door, I quickly knocked on the door but didn't hear anything; I opened the door and walked in but the room was empty, as I looked around I noticed an open art book on the desk, I walked over and looked at the detailed drawing. I walked out of the room, and shut the door behind me, and walked back out to the lot, I looked over noticing Nova's car was still where Juice parked it, before making my way over to the office.

I opened the door to the office and walked in closing it behind me "do you have an aversion to sitting on a seat? I got you some breakfast too." I asked as I sat down beside her on the floor, handing her the small brown paper bag with a blueberry muffin and a small fruit salad inside. "Thank you, and no I don't" she smiled as she replied. "How's it doing anyway?" I asked as she picked up a handful of papers handing them to me "whoever is trying to claim the tax back from their numerous packets of condoms and pairs of furry handcuffs needs to know they can't; but other than that it's going alright". "I'll let the guys know." I replied laughing. "Does the club have anywhere to store all the old boxes of papers that are of no use?" She asked, "I'll get the prospect to move them today and give you the address and a key." I replied just as Happy opened the door "we have to go brother" I nodded and put the receipts down on the floor before standing up. As I went to walk out, I heard Nova say "Be safe", I turned around and smiled at her "always" before carrying on out.

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