Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

Kozik's POV

I walked out of the club and looked around the lot for Nova but I couldn't see her. I quickly took a few deep breathes, uncurled my hands from the fists I had made and rubbed my face. I walked over to the office and walked in, gently shutting the door behind me as I looked down at Nova who was sitting on the floor up against the wall, she quickly wiped her eyes, smudging her make up as she looked away from me. I walked over to her and sat down in front of her. "I just need some time, if I walk back in there now, I will kill her with my bare hands and that doesn't help the club" Nova said as she finally looked at me. "You aren't the only one that wants to kill her" I replied before I cupped her face with both of my hands, using my thumbs to wipe the tears that were still falling before I leaned forward and kissed her passionately. I pulled back as Nova reached up taking my hands from her face, "I'll be in soon but you need to deal with her right now for the clubs sake" she said. I nodded and stood up, leaning down and kissing her on her forehead before walking out of the office, heading back to the clubhouse.

I walked back in to the clubhouse and noticed everyone facing Rachel. "Is Nova ok?" Happy asked, "She'll be in soon" I replied knowing she really wasn't ok as I took a seat. "You better be telling the club everything" I said to Rachel harshly. Nova walked back in and walked over to Ella taking Mason from her and holding him close to her, he instantly curled close to her as she rubbed his back. Kelly, Ella, Nova and Mason walked into the kitchen leaving us with Rachel.

Nova's POV

I walked into the kitchen with Mason in my arms, behind Kelly and Ella. I sat at the table with the girls, and kept my eyes focused on Kozik as he listened to Rachel. I felt really uneasy just having her in the clubhouse but I knew or hoped the club would come up with a plan.

Kozik's POV

I sat listening to Rachel along with the rest of the club, for a crow eater she sure knew how to do a lot of damage. I looked back over my shoulder, looking at Nova who was clearly distressed as she watched me before I turned back to Rachel and caught the last of her sentence saying she knew how to contact them and they would meet her anywhere. I zoned out as I began to think of the reality of it all, Rachel was going to die and it was going to be at my hand after this is over, I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as a hand clamped down on my shoulder. I turned and saw Happy looking at me, I nodded and he nodded back at me. I watched as Hamco stood up after almost three hours had flown by as she explained everything. "Lets process everything overnight. You are not to go anywhere without one of the members who will be watching you very closely and you are to stay away from the women. Hand over your bag." Hamco said to Rachel who quickly complied, shaking as she did. "Happy, Dash I want you to take the first shift watching her and Donut, Prospect the second." Hamco said as all the men nodded. I watched as he nodded at Kelly letting them know they could come out.

Nova's POV

I watched as Hamco nodded at Kelly letting us know we could come out. I stood up with Mason still curled into me, "Someone's ready to go down for the night" Kelly said as she looked at Mason, "I'm just going to put him down" I told her as I walked out of the kitchen and into Circa's room. I quickly changed Mason's diaper and his clothes before laying him down in his crib and tucking him in. I stood rubbing his cheek lightly just watching as he slowly went to sleep. "How are you doing?" Circa asked as he stood up against the doorframe watching me with Mason. "How long have you been there?" I asked quietly. "Not long, thanks for putting him down." Circa replied. "That's alright." I replied before I walked out of the room and down the hall to my room.

I walked in and shut the door behind me, kicking off my heels as I walked into the bathroom, washing my face, I caught my reflection in the mirror and realised just how bad things were and were going to get. I walked back out of the bathroom and stripped down, sliding on one of Kozik's old shirts and climbing into bed, not wanting to deal with anything else today, as I stared up at the ceiling.

Kozik's POV

I watched as Kelly and Ella walked out of the kitchen but Nova slipped out the door way to the dorms, the tension still thick in the room. "Hamco, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked as he quickly nodded and we went into the chapel, shutting the door behind us. "I know it's a club decision but when this is sorted, Rachel needs to die at my hands." I told Hamco straight. "I know but make it right with your old lady first." Hamco simply said. "I was planning too." I replied. "I'll support you Kozik but we have to wait until everything is sorted." Hamco reinforced. "Thanks brother." I stated before I walked back out to the bar.

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