Fifty-one- Scarlet

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I could tell that something was bothering Destiny. I had become pretty good at working out her mood by now, even if she didn't actually say anything about how she was feeling. I wasn't going to move in with my dad. I knew it was probably a good idea to go and listen to what he was going to say but there was no way that I was going to leave Destiny behind. No way in Hell.

After we had eaten dinner, Destiny said that she was going to go for a walk and swiftly left the house.

I helped Phillip wash up the dishes, before I made my way upstairs to our bedroom.

It felt strange calling it that, but I guessed it was true by now.

I lived here. This was my home, now, and I loved it here.

I wasn't going anywhere.

I wished I could tell Destiny that.

However, when I looked out the window to see if she was outside. I couldn't see her, so I assumed she had taken a walk. She would come back soon enough.

I hoped she would come back soon.

Once I got back to her room, I found her most recent drawing on the bed. I turned back a page and found her drawing of me. She had drawn some hearts around it, which caused a smile to dance upon my face. My heart skipped several beats.

Destiny was so talented. It always left me in awe.

A few hours passed as I lay down on her bed, but there was still no sign of Destiny.

I decided to take a walk. This wasn't good. Destiny hadn't even texted. She wouldn't have spent this long out without at least letting me know where she was, would she?

I stood up from my bed and made my way downstairs and out of the house.

I was only several paces down the pavement before I bumped into her.

"Destiny...I was so worried," I admitted.

Her eyes drew closer together.

"I missed you," I breathed.

She ignored my comment as she spoke again.

"When are you going to see your dad?" she asked.

"I-" I cut off.

"I think it's a good idea for you to see him," she stated.

I did, too, but was this her way of expressing that she wanted me to move out?

I swallowed hard. I hoped not. I didn't want to have to go.

"I'm going to speak to him, yeah," I said. "But Dest... I want to stay with you."

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, then.

"You don't have to do this for me," she said.

"No. I'm doing this for me, well, and also you. However, for the first time I'm thinking about what I want and going with that. You make me happy, Destiny, why would I ever, ever, want to be apart from you?" I asked.

Relief washed over Destiny's features, and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank god," she said with a gentle chuckle.

When she drew back from the hug, she opened her arms wide so she could wind one arm around my shoulders. The two of us walked back to the house.

Destiny's father stood up from the sofa in the living room and walked over to the two of us.

"Are you two girls alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, we're all good," Destiny spoke, and I could tell from the sincerity in her voice that she meant it. She was alright. Everything was well in the universe.

Destiny and I wished her father goodnight before we made our way back upstairs to her bedroom.

I was going to have to face my father in the morning and I despised conflict.

More to the point, I had never been convinced that he loved me.

It wasn't going to be easy, but it felt necessary.

Maybe a conversation with him was what I needed to get the closure I had desired for so long.

I took a deep breath and allowed my eyes to flutter closed as I lied down on the bed with Destiny.

She cuddled me close, reassuring me with the affectionate action.

I felt that I could do anything, as long as I had her.

She gave me a type of strength I never knew I had within me.

She was different, in the best way.

Perhaps she was all I had ever really needed.

Maybe she was right about everything that she had said.

Sometimes you really didn't need to look too far to find true, pure and wholesome love.

I didn't know if Destiny loved me in the same way I loved her, but I had accepted by now that if it was meant to happen, it would happen.

"Scarlet, you should know something," Destiny whispered sleepily to me.

"Yeah?" I replied, feeling my heart pounding so hard I could almost hear it.

"I love you," she said.

I was going to disintegrate.

In a good way, if such a thing were possible.

"I love you too," I said, finally having worked up the courage to do so.

It helped that I knew she felt the same way.

In fact, it changed everything, yet nothing seemed too different.

We had always been close.

Now, we were even closer.

Destiny pulled me close to her.

"You do?" she asked me.

"I really do. I love you," I said. "More than anything."

She pressed her lips against my own and tucked my hair behind my ears. She slid her hand up and down my back as she continued to kiss me as though she couldn't get enough of kissing me. I could understand as much, of course, because I felt exactly the same way.

When we had finished kissing, Destiny held me in her arms and the two of us eventually drifted to sleep.

I knew I was in for a night of good dreams, considering I felt as though I was currently living inside of one. 

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