One- Scarlet

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This isn't exactly the way I wanted my night to go, in the middle of some sweaty dance floor in a night club, and might I just add that my boyfriend was nowhere to be seen? He had been doing that a lot recently, in all honesty, kind of just disappearing to no man's land. I supposed he had gone to meet up with his boys, but he had completely stranded me in the process, which was not cool at all. Either way, I turned to find that not all hope was lost. You see, I had invited my friend Destiny along. I wasn't a complete fool. And I knew what Chase was like. Chase is my boyfriend, by the way.

So, here Destiny and I the middle of the dance floor, with people dancing and making out all around us. Gross. I had never been one for PDA, much to Chase's dismay. His kisses were just...a lot, and you know, I didn't want to traumatise an innocent bystander.

Destiny met my gaze for a second and then quickly looked away, as though she hadn't meant for me to catch her looking at me. Oh, but I had. She did that a lot. I wasn't sure if she was disassociating or thinking about something, but the two of us both struggled with attention deficit, so it could have easily been either one of those.

In truth, I was beginning to feel a little claustrophobic in the club. I longed for the forests out the back of my house where the only company I had were birds and squirrels, and I appreciate that's going to make me sound like a total weirdo, but that's okay.

Alright, so you probably want a little bit of background information on me, otherwise I doubt there's any point in either one of us being here right now, whether it be reading or writing these words. My name is Scarlet Austen- yes, like the writer, although I'm in no way related to her, which is unfortunate. That would have been something to brag about. She has forever been one of my heroines, but I digress.

The past couple of months had seen their good and bad days, and that mostly was down to Chase. It was hopeless, you know, placing your emotion for the day in the hands of another, but I had always loved him. So much. And he was being, well, not the greatest of boyfriends, of late. Let's leave it at that. I despised conflict. It was probably one of my top ten fears, and I really did not want to bring up with him the way that he was making me feel. I had a feeling that if I did, then it could lead to a breakup... and the only thing I feared more than conflict, admittedly, was being unloved, without anyone to call my own. So yes, I may not be related to Jane Austen, but I certainly could relate to her fictional characters.

I think one of my main weaknesses had been existing on my own. I had never found myself in a situation where I had been single for any prolonged period of time... which is why I probably tolerated as much as I did. It was very rare that I did, if ever, break up with someone. I was usually the one being broken up with, and the guy that did the breaking up tended to seem completely and utterly unbothered by such a matter. That was when I really started to ask the question: did men actually have feelings? Then I met Chase, and you know how it goes, I thought he was different...but everybody has their flaws. It's an indisputable fact of life. Perhaps men do have feelings, maybe they're just better at masking them.

If I could tell you the number of times that I have wondered what is going on inside Chase's head, you would probably tell me to shut up and find another conversation topic.

As I continued to ponder all of these affairs, Destiny came over to me and place a hand upon my shoulder and my attention was no longer slacking. It was all on her.

"Why do you not look like you're having a good time?" she asked me.

"I am... I just-" I cut off. She was right. I was probably doing my usual thing of spacing out again, but it wasn't intentional, I just had a lot on my mind. And that really was an understatement, tonight.

"Are you thinking about work again?" she asked me.

I was a writer... so I did tend to think about what I was going to write next a lot, but that wasn't it tonight.

I shook my head in response to hear question.

"Alright then... what drink do you want?" she asked.

"Orange vodka, please," I said.

"A girl after my own heart," she replied with an approving smile, as she went to order me one. She re-emerged several moments later with two of the aforementioned drink. One for her. One for me.

"You look so fucking good tonight, Scarlet," Destiny said, which caused the cheeks of my face to warm. Thank goodness for the club lighting. She probably wouldn't make out the current situation on my face. Before I could think too much on it, the expression on Destiny's face changed and I wasn't entirely sure, but I could've sworn she appeared forlorn for a split-second.

I decided that it would probably be polite to give a response to her previous compliment, so I managed to find my words. "Thank you, so do you," I said, at which Destiny grinned. All was well. I had managed to get my best friend to smile again, which I did appreciate. She had a great smile, too. Honestly, Destiny was the kind of girl you would see in music videos. I really wasn't sure how she managed it, but I had always been captivated by that element of her. She was a model.

Destiny raised an eyebrow at me, probably because I was staring at her. "You good? Is there something on my face?" she asked. Besides beauty? Nah, she was all good.

"No, you're good," I replied, with a kind smile.

The colourful lights of the club reflected in Destiny's bright eyes, and she smiled as she continued to sway to the rhythm of the music, effortlessly.  

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