Forty-five- Scarlet

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"Yes," Destiny replied, before she pulled me in to kiss her again. I could get used to this, but what surprised me more than anything was how right it felt. It felt so easy, so perfect.

While we were kissing, I heard the loud bass of music next door.

Destiny frowned, as she pulled back from the kiss.

"I could kill the neighbours, I swear," she said. "They choose to have parties at the worst times."

"Hey, we'll just wait for them to stop and then we can sleep," I told her with a sympathetic smile.

"Okay. Should we eat some sweets? I want all the blue ones," she said.

I released a gentle laugh before I turned to her and nodded.

She grabbed the sweets off one of the tables in her room and returned to the bed so she could open them. She then turned on her television, so the two of us could watch something as we cuddled up together.

I could have fallen asleep like that, honestly, but I didn't want to waste a single moment that I got to spend with her.

Not by sleeping.

I could sacrifice sleep for an extra hour or two with Destiny.

Willing myself to stay awake, I sat up so I could place a soft kiss against Destiny's neck, before I nuzzled into it again.

Destiny gently moved her hand up and down my back, which caused my eyes to flutter closed.

I wasn't doing a very good job at staying awake, but I was appreciating the time I was spending with Destiny.

That was what mattered the most.

"I could be better than he was," Destiny said. "Think about it?"

"I am thinking about it," I admitted. "I would change a lot."

Destiny met my gaze and her eyebrows creased together slightly.

"It wouldn't change much, though, Scarlet. Would it, honestly? We would still be as close as we always have been. We would get along as well as we always have done," she said.

"I worry," I admitted.

"I know you do," she said.

I didn't want to fight with Destiny on this. I had enough of that with Chase because the two of us weren't right for each other. We weren't good for each other, in the end. Being around Destiny had almost repaired the damage of my heartbreak. I didn't want to lose the one person who I needed more than anything.

"Neither one of us has ever had a perfect family- both our parents, everyone happy, but we have always had each other," Destiny said. "Why should that have to change?"

"I'm pretty sure my parents got together because she was pregnant with me more than anything else," I said. "I don't want that. I want to truly be in love with the person that I end up with."

"I'm not asking for you to love me right now," she said. "I'm asking for you to give me a chance."

"It's not just that, Dest. I-"

In truth, I felt myself falling harder for her every day, but that wasn't something I was prepared to share with her yet.

"I worry about...coming out," I said.

I was worried for Destiny's reaction at first, but her eyes brightened a little and she nodded in understanding.

"I get that," she said. "Plus, people can be dicks around same-sex couples, even now. Less so with people our age, though there are some absolute assholes out there."

"And..." I trailed off.

"And you probably have some nervousness around other things too, I get that," she said. "This is new."

It was new, but the way that Destiny made me feel was incredible.

"I think we want the same thing in the future," Destiny said, after a couple of moments of quiet. "We both want families where everyone is happy, where everyone is treated right."

"You'd be an amazing mum, Dest," I said.

"So would you," she said and her expression softened.

I wasn't sure what she was thinking about, but she seemed content.

"I need time," I said. "But I'm... I wasn't lying when I said I really liked you, Dest. I meant that with my whole heart."

Destiny grabbed my hand and pressed a gentle kiss against it.

"I know," she said. "Let's just talk about random crap before we sleep?"

"I'm down," I said.

Destiny smiled.

"Did you ever have an imaginary friend?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. "Mostly when my parents were fighting and I couldn't see you, it made me feel less alone."

Destiny nodded understandingly.

"Were they cool?" she asked.

"Hey, don't make fun of me," I said.

"Scarlet, I would never do such a thing," Destiny said, and the blues of her irises warmed.

"I was constantly disappointed as a kid, especially when Christmas came around. I never got anything, but honestly that wasn't as bad as the fact that my house didn't feel like a home. My parents would eat dinner together and I'd usually eat it in my room," I admitted. "I've always felt out of place. Well, always, apart from when I'm with you."

Destiny was home to me.

"I'm so ashamed of the way I treated my parents at times... I was a spoiled brat," she admitted. "But they did everything for me. I should have been more grateful. I am so, so sorry you had to experience everything that you did, Scarlet. You deserved more. You deserved happiness. You still do. I could make you happy," she said.

"You already do," I said, taking her hands in mine.

She squeezed them reassuringly. "Everything is going to be okay, now, Scarlet. I promise."

Most of the time I didn't believe promises. I refused to. It was different when Destiny was the one making them, though. I trusted her with my whole heart. 

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