Nineteen- Scarlet

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I had spoken to Chase. So, that was a start. I just couldn't move back in with him, yet. It didn't feel right. I needed more time to heal. I needed to spend more time with my best friend. Destiny was helping me get back on my feet, and I would forever be thankful to her for that.

As we walked down the highstreet, I took in the sights of people walking past with food that smelt heavenly and couples together.

I tried to avoid walking into an old lady and ended up bumping into Destiny.

The moment our skin touched, I felt goosebumps rise up on my arm.

I really hoped that Destiny hadn't noticed.

I turned to her, but her face remained expressionless.


Why did I feel this way?

Had I felt this way before the incident?

I swallowed hard.

I didn't like Destiny, though, did I? I was just socially awkward and nervous around her. I was sure that was all this was.

"I'm glad I didn't go home to Chase," I said.

"Hm?" Destiny asked, seemingly surprised. There was something else reflected in her gaze, but I couldn't place what it was.

"I would have been missing out on spending all this time with you, if I had," I told her.

Destiny smiled at that, revealing her gorgeous white teeth.

I really needed to stop staring.

Alright, maybe I wasn't necessarily staring, just being particularly observant.

At that moment, my attention turned towards a small lizard that scurried past.

"Probably a pet that escaped," Destiny commented, noticing where my eyes had gone.

I scoffed.

"Do you think?" I asked.

"Well, yeah, Scarlet. It's not as though every day you see lizards running around Southern England," she explained.

I supposed that was also a very good point.

"Destiny," I said.

"Yeah?" she replied, stopping in her tracks to turn to me.

"We should get a lizard," I said.

"We're going to have a zoo," Destiny said, with a grin.

God. To have a zoo with her would be everything. Well, it would be hilarious, for sure. I wasn't sure it would be the greatest of ideas to put me in charge of a load of animals, though.

"I think my relationship is doomed," I said.

Destiny's eyebrows creased together.

"It's not. You two will be fine," she replied.

"You're clearly the optimist out of the two of us," I replied.

Destiny shrugged, as she considered my words for a moment.

"Sometimes, perhaps. I can also be a cynical bitch at times."

I felt my eyes widen at that.

She released a short laugh.

"What?" she asked.

"I can't believe that you could ever be a cynical bitch," I said.

Destiny smiled.

"I'm a girl," she said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"All girls can be bitches at times," she replied nonchalantly.

I wanted to be nice. Pleasant. Civil. I really didn't like the idea of having conflict with anyone. Perhaps Destiny had a point, earlier, after all.

"I've known a lot of girls in my time, Scarlet, trust me," she said.

"Are you popular?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. Popular and gay. A fitting way to meet plenty of women," Destiny informed me.

"You're gay?" I asked. It was a joke. I knew that much.

"Fuck. Did the amnesia really get you that bad?" she asked me, with hurt in her eyes.

I released a soft laugh and Destiny rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh, Scarlet. You asshole," she said.

"Hey! It was just a joke," I replied.

She grinned in response to that.

"I know. I'm impressed," she admitted.

I felt my cheeks grow a little warmer in response to that.

"Anyway, the point is, I know I'm better," she said.

"You do?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. I'm skinny, I'm rich, I'm blonde..." she trailed off.

"Are you joking?" I questioned, feeling my eyes widen slightly.

Destiny's shoulders went up with a shrug.

"Maybe," she said. Her serious expression transitioned into a smile. "I've had a good day, Scarlet. I'm glad that I got to spend it with you," she continued, and I had to admit that I felt the same. It had been a good day. So far. We still had a long time left before bedtime. "Listen, I want you to know something. I don't care how long it takes you to get your memories back, Scarlet. I will always be here for you."

I felt my heart warm at these words. I really was lucky to have her.

"And I'm going to make sure nothing ever happens to you again. you're sort of my responsibility, right now, you know. And that's not only 'cause you're my best friend. You're also healing. I want to make that easy for you as possible," she said with a reassuring tone. "I'm not going anywhere, Scarlet. I want you to know that you can always depend on me. I'm your best friend but so much more, Scarlet. We've always gone beyond just being best friends, in our own way..." Destiny trailed off, then, as though she was worried that she was saying too much, but in truth, she could have spoken for two hours straight, and I would have been invested on every word.

"Thank you, Destiny. I'm always here for you too," I assured her.

We continued to walk along, side by side, and I turned to her again.

"Destiny?" I started.

She turned to me with an expression of intrigue.

"We should have taken that lizard home with us," I joked.

Destiny released a gentle, melodic chuckle.

Everything she did just appeared to be perfect, in all honesty. Then again, maybe I was just biased.

"I don't think you were right in what you said earlier, by the way," she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm not always an optimist. I worry about the future, a lot," she admitted, as though this was the first time, she had ever spoken this worry aloud to anyone.

I met her eyes with a compassionate expression on my own face.

"You don't have to go through it alone," I promised. 

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