Thirty-seven- Scarlet

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The next morning, I awoke to find that Destiny and I had ended up falling asleep in the same place the two of us had been sitting in the previous afternoon.

God, had we really slept that long?

Destiny's fingers were still interlocked with mine.

I groaned internally, not because this was bad. It was just I was incredibly aware of how much I felt for her now and those feelings were not going to go anywhere anytime soon.

I didn't want to move.

I supposed that I could have always pretended to be asleep for longer, but I knew that I had writing to be getting on with, not only for my story, but for magazine and news articles, too. There was no time to waste.

I gently untangled my fingers from Destiny's and stood up, so I could head over to my laptop. She mumbled a little, but she didn't wake up. I returned my attention to my laptop, switching it on. I was glad that I had gone to get the rest of my things from Chase's a few weeks back, even if it had felt slightly awkward at the time.

Destiny's eyes fluttered open and she looked over to me.

"Hey," she spoke, instantly gaining my attention.

"Hello," I replied. "You sleep alright?" I asked her.

"Best sleep I've had in a while," she smiled, as though there was something else on her mind, but she remained quiet for a moment. "I don't need to tell you twice, Scarlet, your being here...has been the best thing that's ever happened to me."


She was tugging at my heartstrings, and she wasn't even conscious of the fact that she was doing it.

"I've liked staying here," I admit.

"Chase couldn't suffice," Destiny blurted. "You... you need someone who treats you right."

"So do you," I said.

"I already have that," she said before she could stop herself.

I swallowed.

My throat felt dry with nerves.

"You should stay here for longer, is all I'm saying," Destiny said.

I felt a gentle smile work its way onto my face.

"I... I'm surprised you haven't got tired of me yet," I said.

There was so much more I wanted to say.

Destiny wouldn't judge me for it, would she?

There was a part of me that thought to hell with it, I should just tell her how I felt.

We had been best friends for so long that she would understand, wouldn't she?

We had known each other since school, when we were around six, and beyond that...all the way to university.

Nothing could cause a rift between us that wouldn't bring us closer in the end, could it?

"I could never get tired of you, Scarlet," Destiny said quietly.

I felt my heart ease up a little.

That was a good sign.

"There were plenty of people that went to school with us...but I always wanted to be best friends with you," she said. "Even when they split our class," she continued.

That sucked. She had a point.

"They couldn't keep us apart," I replied.

"What are you writing?" Destiny asked me, changing the subject.

"The same story," I said. "Then I have to work on a news article for work."

She nodded.

"You're such a great writer," she said.

"You are too. I've read some of your poems," I said.

The heat seemed to rise in her cheeks then.

"They're..." she trailed off.

"Incredible? Amazing?" I asked.

"Kind of personal to me, so I'm glad you like them," she said. "I started writing them in secondary school."

"We had a lot of fun there, didn't we?" I asked.

Destiny grinned.

"Hell yeah, we did," she said. "I'm glad I didn't end up going off to boarding school."

I was glad she didn't, too. I couldn't imagine my life without her in it, now that she had been in it for so long.

"If I could change one thing about myself, it would be how snobby I was back in school," Destiny admitted, after a moment. "It's pointless. Everyone is the same in the end. I was so...judgmental. Meeting you changed that for me, I think," she said.

"It did?" I asked.

"Yeah. You are so accepting and kind. I wanted to be more like you," she stated. "You're kind of still my obsession. In a good way."

"I'm...I am?" I asked.

"Yeah, you're wonderful," Destiny said with warmth in her eyes. I knew she meant it all.

At that moment I could hear footsteps outside Destiny's bedroom door. I realised it was probably her dad. That had been one of my personal vexations, though, feeling as though someone was listening in.

Destiny tucked her hair behind her ears and released a breath.

"I should probably get on with some work today, too," she said. "I need to make edits to a magazine."

I nodded in my understanding.

"Want to work together? Well, you know, not together but...we could sit here together?" I asked.

"Yes," Destiny said. It didn't take her more than a second to answer.

That was the thing, now, we had become so comfortable in each other's presence that it felt strange to be anywhere else.

Destiny loaded up her laptop beside me and started to get on with her own work, too.

"I should probably spend some time with my dad later," Destiny said. "I want to... I want to get closer with him. I feel like he's a good guy, really, when he wants to be."

I didn't talk to my parents anymore. I wasn't going back there, but Destiny's dad was kind enough to have let me stay here with the two of them. I was thankful for that.

"He's important to me," she said.

My family didn't think I was important, so I didn't need them anymore.

"I get that," I said.

I didn't, really, but I could understand it from Destiny's perspective. 

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