Thirty-four- Destiny

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I hadn't slept very well last night.

That was partly due to nerves and partly due to Scarlet tossing and turning. I could tell she had been struggling to sleep, too.

She tended to quietly snore when she was sleeping, but she didn't seem to make any sound at all last night.

Nevertheless, Scarlet was finally asleep when morning came around, and I knew I needed to get ready for my driving test.

So, I crept out of bed, brushed my hair into a ponytail and put on some jeans and a white crop top.

I finished getting ready for the day ahead, brushing my teeth and putting on lavender oil for my anxiety. Then, I made my way out of the room and quickly downstairs.

I headed to the test centre without eating any breakfast.

That was something I knew I would probably regret later on, when my stomach was growling at me like some wild beast, but I was too anxious to eat right now.

"Hey," I said, once I got to the front desk of the test centre. "My name is Destiny White. I have a test today," I informed them.

The receptionist chased me up and then smiled at me.

"Your examiner today will be Chelsea," she told me.

"Thank you," I said.

It wasn't too long before Chelsea headed out to greet me, and then the test could start.

She got me to drive around some familiar roads and then got me to do some basic manoevures.

"Alright, Destiny," she said, at the end of the test, once we had come to a stop in the test centre's car park. "You had a good drive but I'm afraid that it's not quite a pass yet."

I exhaled.

I had a feeling.

"Can I book in another test?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Yeah, you'll have one next month," she informed me.

I smiled because although my heart had sunk, I could still afford basic manners.

"Thank you," I said.

"I'm sorry it didn't turn out quite the way you wanted it to," she told me, as we exited my instructor's car.

"It's okay," I said.

It wasn't okay, but it would be.

I just wanted to get home so Scarlet and I could head out to meet our friends.

"See you next time," she said.

"See you," I replied, with a polite smile.

I walked out of the test centre with my head held high because I wasn't going to let this loss get to me. After all, even when you failed it didn't mean you had failed, it just meant that you could choose another path.

It didn't take me too long to get home and Scarlet met me in the hallway.

"Hey," she greeted me. "So, how did it go?" she asked.

"I failed," I said.

"Oh, Dest," she replied, with a glint of sympathy in her gaze. "I'm so sorry."

"It's alright. It's just...nothing major. I'll do better next time," I said.

I would pass next time. No problem.

"Do you want to go and meet our friends? Take your mind off it?" Scarlet asked me.

I wanted to scream into the void but spending time with my friends would take my mind off everything, too. I hoped.

I nodded in answer to Scarlet's question and the two of us left my house so we could walk down the street towards the park, where I had agreed to meet Milly. Andre was going to meet us later at a local café.

It didn't take me long to spot Milly, once we had entered the park.

"Mills!" I called out to her, and she turned to me with a grin.

I hadn't told Milly about my driving test. I didn't want everyone asking about it, if it didn't have the desired outcome, honestly. And it hadn't. So, I was right in not telling her about it. I hadn't told Andre, either. I had told Scarlet because, well, she was my best friend. She had a right to know.

"Hey," she greeted me and pulled me into a hug. "Hey Scarlet," she added, as she turned to meet Scarlet with a warm smile.

We lived in a conservative town, so most of the people were pretty uniform. Not Milly, though. She had tats all over her body and the ends of her hair were purple. It was probably a pretty good thing that she worked in a tattoo parlour, actually.

"How have you been enjoying spending your time at Destiny's mansion?" Milly asked Scarlet.

"My house isn't that big," I grumbled.

"Hey, if you say so, rich girl," Milly teased.

Scarlet released a gentle laugh.

"I'm really liking it, but then again, the company is pretty good," she said.

"And how long have you two been together?" Milly asked.

I felt my eyes turn to the size of dinner plates at that question.

Gesturing to my throat for Milly to cut it out, her eyes widened in realisation, then.

"Oh. You're just friends. Right, right," she said, but there was something in her gaze that said 'yeah, right'. I was going to need to have a talk with Milly later, for sure.

Years and years of knowing her and the girl still didn't know what to say and when to say it.

"Do you think you'll stay here in the city, Scarlet?" Milly asked her, as we walked over to a bench to sit down upon it.

"Yeah, I think so," Scarlet said. "I do like the country but...there's not much to do."

"Yeah. Plus, it's riddled with rich folk," Milly said teasingly. "And their slaves."

"We don't live in the Middle Ages," I pointed out.

"Don't we?" Milly asked.

Scarlet coughed out a laugh.

"They don't make it easy for you to climb the ladder, let's just say that much," Milly said, and I knew she had a point, of course. I just sort of wished she wouldn't talk so much about politics when I had brought Scarlet to hang out with us.

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