Forty-one- Scarlet

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I wanted more than a friendship with Destiny.

I hadn't thought about it much, before.

In all honesty, I had only recently gotten used to accepting the way I felt.

I had liked girls before, but with Destiny it was on a completely different level.

It felt as though she had changed the planet's orbit for me.

It was different. It was strange. It felt so right.

I was happy for the first time in a long time.

In fact, I was always happy when I was with Destiny. It was sort of effortless, really.

Once we had finished eating, we decided it was time to head home.

We got back to the house and returned to Destiny's room, where we could sit down on her bed and talk.

"Growing up, I was a happy kid, you know? I had my mum and dad who looked after me well, and a gorgeous house and everything I could have asked for but over the years I met so many people that only wanted to be friends with me for the money that they knew my family had. It wasn't like that with you, Scarlet. You wanted to be my friend for me. I had never experienced that before. That sort of made me like you from day one, but I didn't know what I was feeling at the time. There's always been this part of me that felt like that, but then Chase entered the picture and I understood that I needed to chill out. I kept it a secret and after a while, I got used to it. Then everything changed for me again at your birthday," she said.

"Everything changed for me then, too," I admitted.

I hadn't had a perfect childhood.

In fact, most of the time my parents had neglected me, but I coped. I was okay because I had Destiny.

I had Destiny's back and she always had mine.

"I told my dad I hated him when my mum died," Destiny said. "I was angry and confused and it slipped out when the two of us were arguing about my cheerleading rehearsal. I fell out with him for years. You were by my side when I felt like the worst person in the world. I will always be thankful to you for that."

"You're an amazing person, now, Destiny. Everyone says things when they're younger but... how we feel now is what counts," I said.

"I'm not amazing. I'm just a person, but thank you," she replied.

If only she could see herself through my eyes...

"My dad wants to move out of town," she continued, after a moment. "I have saved for a flat... and, well, I want you to come live with me, Scarlet. You don't have to. It's just a crazy idea, but-"

"I want to," I said. "I'd love that."

Destiny's expression became relieved, then.

"Really?" she asked.

"Really," I replied.

I had never wanted anything more.

"It might not be so easy, but we can do this," she said. "Life could be a lot less complicated if we were honest with each other about how we felt, huh?"

"Definitely," I said.

"I really like you, Scarlet, just so you know," she said.

I felt my lips twitch upwards again.

"I really like you too, Destiny," I replied.

Destiny stepped closer to me and wrapped her arms around me, so I was nestling my head into the crook of her neck.

She took a step back and her eyes explored my face, for a moment.

"I thought I could never have you," she whispered. "I only ever dreamed that you would feel the same."

"I... I suppose feelings are unexpected. They creep up on you," I said.

She nodded in agreement.

"But I suppose it's the unexpected feelings that mean the most," she said.

I agreed with her there.

"I could treat you the way you deserve, Scarlet," Destiny said, after a moment.

I could tell that she had been thinking about this for some time, but then so had I.

Ever since things started going south with Chase, Destiny had always been there, without fail. How could I not think the world of her?

"All the shit that he didn't do..." she trailed off. "You would be treated exactly as you should be, like a goddess. You'd never have to ask for anything... I'd buy you whatever you wanted. Take you wherever you wanted to go."

All the coins in the world didn't matter to me. I just wanted Destiny.

"Should we go shopping?" I asked her, with a smile.

"Yeah. Let's get some snacks and binge watch movies," Destiny replied decisively.

The two of us got up from where we had been sitting and started our journey to the local supermarket.

We immediately made our way towards the snacks' aisle, so we could pick up some sweets, crisps, cookies, biscuits, donuts, you name it. We weren't going to eat it all in one day, but now we had a good supply for future use.

While we were in the snack aisle, some guy came past and shoved a load of chocolate bars into his pockets. Shop lifters. Great.

That wasn't the best part, though, once we had got out past the checkout, we found that some guy had tried to rob the tills, holding the manager at gunpoint.

Fortunately, the police were on the case.

"What is it with everyone today?" Destiny asked, shaking her head.

I could ask the same thing.

"Maybe it's asshole day," I replied.

Destiny turned to me and released a gentle laugh.

It was time to go home, so the two of us made our way in that direction.

Once we had returned, Destiny locked the door and the two of us wandered into the living room, where we soon collapsed on the sofa.

"Okay...what's your greatest achievement?" Destiny asked me, turning to face me.

"Probably winning the writing contest in year eleven," I admitted, with a soft chuckle. 

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