Thirty-two- Destiny

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Scarlet and I wandered into the cinema and paused in front of a poster for a new romance movie.

"You know... I read somewhere that you know it's real love when it feels as though the universe had conspired to make it happen," I said.

Scarlet turned to me then with a glint of surprise in her gaze, as though she hadn't taken me to ever say anything remotely romantic in my life. In fairness, she wouldn't be far off. I had always thought of relationships as overrated and love as this thing that only existed in books and movies, but Scarlet had changed that all for me.

Not only was she a hopeless romantic, so her views kind of had rubbed off on me, she had unlocked feelings within me that I didn't think I would experience.

I had crushes in school, for sure, but the way that I felt for Scarlet was completely different.

It was sincere. It was genuine. I felt as though I actually knew her.

"I think one day we'll find that one person that just gets us," she said.

What if I already had, but there was just no way of that coming true?

"Is everything alright?" Scarlet continued, as she scrutinized my expression.

I quickly turned away from her. I didn't want her to see the way I felt in my eyes. They gave too much away.

"Yeah. I think I want to go for a walk with our friends tomorrow," I said.

I had always preferred the indoors to the outdoors, but fortunately Scarlet was the same in that respect.

"Let's go get our popcorn," I told Scarlet and she nodded in agreement.

The two of us made our way over to the front counter, so I could purchase some tickets for the movie and some popcorn.

Scarlet ordered a cider. She liked to drink sometimes. That was her habit.

"I'm going to go out for a second, just to get some air," I said.

Scarlet nodded in understanding.

"I'll save you a seat," she said with a playful smile, before she wandered off towards the screen.

I held onto my ticket and placed it into my pocket, before making my way outside so I could grab a cigarette.

I knew smoking was bad for me, but I was stressed. It was my form of coping. It may have been a toxic form of coping, but it was a way of coping no less. Plus, I liked the smell. I was probably on my own on that one, but it was true.

Once I had finished my cigarette, I stamped it out and went inside the cinema again to go to our screen.

It didn't take me long to find Scarlet. She was sat on the side towards the back. It was the same place we usually sat.

I liked sitting towards the back of the screen because sitting near the front just gave you neck strain. At least, that was what I had often found.

Scarlet turned to me, as I sat down beside her.

"Are you okay?" she asked me.

"Yeah, just a little anxious about tomorrow, I suppose," I said.

It wasn't the only thing that I was anxious about, admittedly, but she didn't need to know that.

"You've totally got this, Destiny," Scarlet said supportively. "You're incredible."

Well, I tried.

"Everything will go smoothly, I'm sure," she said.

Scarlet and I would be able to go out for drives, once I passed. We would be able to go on adventures. There were plenty of positives to passing my test. I had to focus on that. That would motivate me to drive the best I had ever driven in my life, and then hopefully I would pass the driving test without a hitch.

Nothing would change.

Scarlet and I would be best friends, hanging out the way that we always had done.

Soon enough, the movie started, so Scarlet and I sat quietly as we watched it.

It was an animated movie about princesses with superpowers who battle monsters, and some of the princesses fall in love by the ending. One of the main characters reminded me of Scarlet, actually. It was no wonder she had chosen to see that movie.

All in all, it was a pretty good movie. I was just exhausted by the end of it. I would be ready to crash in bed after the walk home, for certain.

"I keep getting messaged by my agent," Scarlet said, as we wandered home.

"I'm sorry, which timeline are we in? Are you 007 now?" I asked.

Scarlet rolled her eyes at me.

"They say I could do with changing up the story a little... they think the two main heroines should fall in love, rather than the heroine end up flying off on a dragon at the end."

"And what do you think about that?" I asked her. we walked through the front door into the house.

"I think that... well... my writing is fine. It's good. It's really good. I don't need to change it," she said.

That was the thing about Scarlet. She could be a little complacent at times.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Well, that may all be well and good, Scarlet, but you don't grow unless you do things outside of your comfort zone, things that you wouldn't ordinarily do," I pointed out.

She met my gaze, then, with a thoughtful expression.

"It's good. It's fine. I don't need to change it," she said again.

She could also be very stubborn, but I thought I couldn't judge her there. I knew I could be, too.

I opened my arms wide and put one around Scarlet's shoulders.

"Will you let me proofread it?" I asked her.

She flushed, then.

"I mean..." she trailed off.

"I'm sure I'll love it," I assured her. 

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