Twenty-five- Scarlet

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My eyes opened the next morning to find that my arms and legs were still entangled with Destiny's. Cuddling with her was surprisingly comfortable. In fact, I was fairly sure I had just got the best night's sleep of my life so far. However, the good feeling could only last so long, because I was going to meet with Chase today.

That was assuming that Chase didn't cancel on me again, of course.

Alright, now was not the time for jokes.

I really did need to speak to him.

I needed to figure out what the hell I was going to do about our relationship. About us. About whether there even was an 'us' anymore, or whether it was time to let it all go.

I was careful to untangle myself from Destiny without waking her.

"Good morning," I said to Destiny, as she stirred.

"Mornin'," she mumbled back to me. "You know, I could probably sleep for another six years."

"You mean hours?" I questioned.

"No, Scarlet. I said what I said. I meant years," she replied.

I couldn't help but release a gentle chuckle at that.

In fairness, I was pretty damn tired, too, but I needed to wake myself up.

"Coffee?" I suggested and Destiny mumbled a 'yes' in answer.

So, I got out of bed and got dressed for the day ahead and then made my way downstairs to find Phillip sitting in the kitchen, drinking his coffee. It really shouldn't have been as surprising to see him up and moving as it was, but I had got used to him spending most of his time in the living room by now.

"Hey, Phillip," I greeted him.

He looked up and gave me a nod of acknowledgement, before he returned to reading off the phone screen in front of him.

I wandered over to the kettle, turned it on, grabbed some mugs and got started on preparing Destiny and I some coffees.

Once I was done, I returned upstairs to find that Destiny had got ready for the day ahead now, too.

"You okay?" I asked her, as I set the coffee mug and a coaster down on her bedside table.

"Ish," she said quietly, busying herself in applying some lip-gloss.

Well, 'ish' was better than not at all, I supposed.

I wasn't going to press her on the subject.

"I'll let you know how seeing Chase goes," I said, and Destiny's expression became unreadable.

"Thank you," she said. "I hope it goes okay."

There was more behind her voice, of course, but I didn't have a clue how she was feeling. Sometimes, Destiny was difficult to read.

I sipped my coffee and then sent Chase a text for him to meet me at a nearby park so we could talk. I really hoped he would show up. This was important.

Destiny scrutinized herself in the mirror, and then angrily wiped at her eyeliner.

"You sure you're okay?" I asked.

"I'm okay. Don't worry, Scarlet. Just go see Chase."

Her words came out a little more harshly than it appeared Destiny would have liked, as she winced, but she probably had a point. I needed to go and speak to him, after all.

I told Destiny goodbye and then headed out of her room and downstairs, so I could exit the house through her eggshell blue front door. I could imagine who had painted that.

I walked down the pavement until I eventually reached the park.

It didn't take me long to spot Chase sitting upon a bench not far from the front gate.

"Hey," I greeted him.

The air smelt of pine, and the day was beautiful, but seeing Chase again left this weird taste in my mouth.

"Hi Scarlet," he said.

"Can I?" I said, gesturing to the space next to him on the bench.

"Of course," he replied.

I sat down beside him and let out a breath.

"That sounded heavy," he said.

"It was," I replied. "There's just... a lot on my mind."

I had thought on everything that Destiny had said when we had spent time alone and she was right. I did deserve better.

"Chase, we barely speak to each other anymore," I said.


"And you can't say that I'm not making an effort. I really am trying to get through to you, but it feels as though you are shutting me out," I said.

"I'm not a monster, Scarlet," he replied.

"I'm not making out that you are one, Chase," I said.

Years of evolution and I could barely form what I wanted to say in my head.

Chase and I used to get along, most of the time. Things were harder now. It wasn't as though we necessarily didn't get along, anymore. As cliché as it sounded, it generally just felt as though the two of us were gradually drifting apart. I had tried to get through to him, but it was becoming more and more apparent, as the days went by, that maybe that just wasn't something that Chase wanted.

There were plenty of people on this planet, but there was only one Chase. I was only ever going to get to experience what I had with him once, and I couldn't deny the fact that hurt me. Nevertheless, as much as I hurt, in the long run, this was better for me. I couldn't dwell in an obsession. I deserved to be loved truly and properly. I deserved all of the things that Destiny had told me I did. She was right.

"I tried to be good for you, but I got tired of competing," Chase said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"That plenty of other people are fighting for your attention, Scarlet. Without me, maybe you'll finally start paying attention to them," he said and then he stood up off the bench and left, leaving me wondering what on Earth he had meant. 

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