I Need You, Too

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Complete silence fills the air.

The loud ringing in my ears slowly becomes more and more quiet until completely gone, my trembling breaths now taking its place.

I start to become aware that my eyes are squeezed tightly shut so I cautiously begin to open them, in a haze from what just happened. I recognize the stance that I'm in, my right arm reaching forward with my palm open. My fingers tremble as I begin to come back to reality through the doctor's calm voice speaking to me. That voice is recognizable but it sounds as if I'm being spoken to while under water.

My eyes, for just an instant, break away from my hand to flick up to the man who I had just moments ago saw as a threat and then down to my right thigh.

No holster.

No throwing knives.

A breath I didn't even know I was holding is released and I stumble back, terrified of myself and what I just tried to do for whatever reason.

"Y/n, can you hear me? You aren't responding." The doctor says and I slip on the wet hard floor, falling back into the shower and taking down the red shower curtain with me.

I scream out in terror, my hands clutching fistfuls of my soaked hair as tears run down my already wet face.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry. N-Namjoon, I'm sorry- " I cry out, unable to make eye contact with the man that I fully recognize again.

"Shhh, you're okay. He's okay. Just look at me and take some deep breaths with me." Jin, who I now fully recognize again as well, crouches down to my level, "In," He breathes in deeply, "and out." He breathes out and I nod slowly, following along with him.

I clutch the shower curtain in my shaking hands as I continue to stare at Jin, wide eyed, as we continue to work on slowing down my breathing. I flinch a little when his hand slowly comes up and pats my head softly, carefully smoothing down my hair to make me feel safer.

"How is that? Better?" He gives me a small smile but I can see the worried look in his eyes, knowing what almost just happened.

"I was- I was going to... " My right hand quivers as it grips my outer right thigh.

"I took off your holsters that had the knives in them while you slept in the ambulance."

"But what... happened. Oh god, I'm so sorry." I smack my hands against my forehead repeatedly.

"Hey, hey, hey!" He immediately grips my wrists to stop me, "You had a PTSD episode but we can talk about it later when you feel better and are well rested. I need to take care of your wounds again, too." He smiles to reassure me, "Okay?"

"I didn't mean to scare any of you." I whisper out as tears drop from my eyes.

He pulls me into a hug and I stay completely still, scared of myself.

"We weren't scared of you, just scared for you." He reassures me as he pulls away.

"Yoongi." I whisper.

My eyes dart up and all around the room, quickly landing on Yoongi leaning against the bathroom's doorframe. My eyes widen as I see the glistening of tears on his cheeks. I feel tears begin to swell up in my own eyes once again, sick to my stomach from how he might view me now. I crawl back even further into the corner of the shower, kicking away the curtain and hugging my knees to my chest while whimpering.

A sudden pale hand on my forearm startles me and my eyes glance up to meet Yoongi's. He slowly gets down onto his knees, the wetness from the shower's floor soaking into his pants. My body shivers from how cold I am in my sopping wet clothes but his warm body encages mine, heating it up and calming me down. I take in a deep breath as his chin rests atop my head, his left arm wrapping around my back tightly while his right hand caresses the back of my head.

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