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Happy holidays everyone! 💜💅🏻🧅🦾🦿

"What a fucking dumbass." I sigh with a smile, looking at my 💅🏻 nails 💅🏻, "We knew it would come to this, hm?" I speak to only myself.

Checking the clock with relaxed posture while leaning against the side of the kitchen island comfortably, I see that a whole booty hole wapping forty minutes has passed.

Yoongi's POV

"Where did that chucklefuck hide." Yoongi mutters random swear words as he stomps around the garden.

He gasps as a thorn from a rose bush scratches his arm, "Big ouchie!" He whines before looking around to make sure no one heard that.


He decides to kick his speed into turbo mode since only twenty minutes remain to find the annoying ass girl who he had made this dumb training bet with. Checking the entire maze with hope she'd be dumb enough to hide in it, he ends up coming out of the end with, still, no sight of her.

He sighs defeatedly after just wasting another ten minutes checking that maze, "They said 'another day, another slay' but I'm not slaying right now." He crosses his arms, not sure of what to do because he expected to win.

"Fuck!" He grips his hair in his fists, angrily and full of stress, "I can't lose! I'm a professional bad guy!" He takes off back into the game room and runs through the mansion with his remaining ten minutes dwindling down.

Y/n's POV

"Uh-huh." She says as a matter of fact, "Yup, that's the one." Y/n nods to herself, chewing a random piece of gum that she had found in a drawer to keep her busy, "That's the hair color." She hits the order button and somehow types in the address to Yoongi's mansion even though there's no possible way of her knowing it if this was a serious, well thought out book created by a different writer but it isn't.

"Overnight shipping. Nice." She stretches out, awaiting the loser's return since only three finger-licking minutes are left.


"YOU HAVE TO BE HERE SOMEWHERE!" Yoongi breathes heavily, his blood vessels about to b-b-burst while tossing pillows and ripping blankets off of his bed.

He sits on the floor, sighing depressingly as he glares at his knife. He was so excited to intimidate Y/n when he found her but little did he know, she's just smarter than him.

"That termite." He punches his bed and leaves the room as the three minutes he had left finally runs out.

Y/n's POV

"Okay! Fine! Come the fuck out." I hear the gremlin holler from down the hall.

I chuckle to myself, finding how angry he is to be funny. For the past ten minutes I could hear him RUNNING for dear life down the hall back and forth while checking every room that he could. The out-of-breath panting was the funniest shit since he stopped to rest right at the outside of the kitchen door.

"I'm in here, Mold Chunk." I yell out to him, including his new nickname I came up with all by myself like the hard worker that I am.

"You're fucking kidding." He seethes down the hall, his steps getting closer, "WHERE?!" He yells.

"Behind you!" I yell back and the camera cuts to Yoongi in the hallway who, on instinct, turns around to glance around like an absolute fool.

He suddenly busts through the kitchen doors and I slowly stand up from my hiding spot behind the island.

"Woah, don't pop a bussle, now." I raise a brow at his red face.

"W-what?" He stutters.

I eye his neck and cross my arms, "Bussle. It's my new term for blood vessel I came up with while waiting an entire hour by myself on the floor."

"Grow fungi and die." He sneers at me and walks around the island and to the fridge that's to the right of me, grabbing a water out, You literally hid here? Are you fucking me? How?!" He runs a hand through his hair, looking completely shocked and angry.

"I realized you wouldn't look at the spot where you started, so, during the last minute left of my hiding time, I snuck in while you were turned around. You have bad hearing, I guess." I chuckle and he runs a hand down his face.

"No... fucking... way... " He mumbles to himself, "Whatever, that was a smart move. You win." He defeatedly says, sipping his water while trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Stinks for you but hey, did I pass your little training exercise? I fooled you so I think I'm ready to be a professional criminal." I grin.

He sighs, "We'll do more training but yes, you passed this training day." He mumbles, irritated.

"Cool. What's next." I say while grabbing his food out of the fridge to make pizza for us since I'm starving and he probably is, too.

"Combat training... " He groans out as if he's rethinking his decision to let me participate in all of this.

"And what if I beat you in that too?" I raise a brow.

He deadpans to me, "You couldn't move an inch when I held you down in bed so I'm not worried."

I nod.

He does have me there 🤕

"Anyways, you lost. I already know what I'm going to do to you since you said the winner can do anything to the loser." I say as a matter of fact with my hands on my hips, triumphantly.

"And what's that, darling?" He smirks, very curious.

I smile innocently and grab my phone from my pocket to show him my recent order of bleach and hair dye on my phone, "This!" I point at it for emphasis.

His eyes slowly widen, "Bleach?!" He gasps with genuine shock as he grabs his dark hair in his fists, "Why is this what you want to do to me out of everything?!" He slowly looks from the photo to me, "Why would you pick that color!" He practically cries out as he drops to his knees in anguish.

I shrug with an innocent expression, "Just 'cuz!" I pat him on the head as he crawls into a bawl on the kitchen floor, regretting ever bringing me with him.

felt i made this a lil boring sorry if it was i'm exhausted 🤕😿

happy holidays!

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