That's A Deal

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"Well, you see... I, Miss Y/n, would very much like to drop out because I hate school and it makes me wanna off myse-"

"Get to the point, Miss Y/n." He interrupts me.

Nervously dusting my shirt off with my still cuffed wrists, I take a deep breath and look him in the eye.

"Take me with you and teach me how to be a criminal."

He blinks a few times before turning to the wall he was leaning up against and slapping it repeatedly, laughing as hard as he can.

He continues laughing while trying to speak to me.

"Y-you really think that I would take you with me just because you think it'd be fun to be a criminal?!" He laughs and wipes a tear from his eye before turning back to me.

I stare at him, irritated at his laughing and walk closer, flicking his black cap up and off of his head with my cuffed hands but I freeze suddenly.

"Dude... you're so fucking hot! Your haircut makes you even hotter!" I beam, his freshly buzzed undercut showing through while the top of his black hair is longer and parted in the center.

"God damn-" I whisper, fully checking him out again, his black combat boots, black cargo pants and utility vest that's over his black hoodie being super attractive to me.

Wait a minute...

The light hits his face in a better angle and I'm able to see him more clearly, a long scar vertically running through his eyebrow and eye makes me gasp.

"Wait..." I point to his scar, " You're that famous criminal who always carves that same scar into whoever catches you stealing! I've heard that you even broke into a government worker's home and still got away and carved that into them! You're literally a legend." I fangirl over the sadistic criminal who I should most definitely not be fangirling over.

"I mean... yeah, that's me." He smirks.

C'mon, who would've thought that I'd meet this baddie of a criminal?! Dude is a menace to society but he's interesting as hell, I have so many questions

"I read all about you, I saw that you've never been caught by authorities too. I've also heard that no one's ever confessed what you look like, apparently the people who have seen you break into their homes never speak about you. I saw it a few times on the news when victims of your break in's would repeatedly say that they can't speak of you and when asked why, they'd only blame the cut that you gave them... why is that? Is it magically going to kill them if they speak?" I chuckle.

The corner of his mouth turns up into a smirk and he slowly walks to me, my back hitting the wall and the only sound in the entire mansion is our breathing and his heavy combat boots hitting the floor.

"Do you... want to know why they blame the cut I give them? Why they refuse to talk about me in any way?" He leans in close to me.

"Yeah, I don't have all night." I impatiently tap my foot.

He towers over my smaller form, a metallic sound coming from his pocket as a glistening pocket knife comes into view. He brings it slowly to my face, right above my eyebrow.

"You wouldn't dare." I smirk cheekily.

"And why is that? I've done it a billion times before." He smirks back while whispering in my ear.

"Because, a stupid scar isn't going to keep me quiet to the media, the world has to know how hot you are!" I chuckle, not taking the hint that this is not the time.

He rolls his eyes and slashes down slightly, I wince as blood from above my eye trickles down.

Fuck, maybe this dude isn't playing games...

But I am!

"Harder, Daddy." I smile up at him, blood running down one side of my face.

He hadn't cut my face exactly like his and his victims, only about an inch above my eyebrow then through my eyebrow and ending right above my eyelid.

"W-what did you say?" He pauses, my antics catching him off guard.

"Anyways, are you going to tell me why this stupid cut keeps them quiet?" I impatiently whine.

He stares at me and I can tell what he's thinking. The way that I act definitely catches him off guard, it's something he hasn't seen before. I don't beg for my life and act helpless which I probably should be doing but instead, I test the limits and to him, that's interesting.

"Fine, I tell them that if they speak of me to anyone at all I'll come back and make the cut deeper for each person they've told." He stares me down, waiting for my reaction.

"So, hypothetically... if I told like, twenty people what you look like then you'd stab my face twenty times?"

"Yes... "

"Well, that would suck."

"That's why they don't do it."

I nod.

"I have more questions for later but for now, let's get down to business." I clear my throat.

"I'm not taking you with me, you're weird." He crosses his arms.

"Says the criminal who cuts a weird scar into people's faces for a living-"

"You don't know shit. You don't understand my reasons for what I do." He huffs.

"You never told me!" I whine.

"I know! I just needed something to argue back with!"

"Okay, then bring me with you and explain later!" We both stare wide eyed at one another, taking a breather from our arguing.

"Give me one actual reason as to why I should consider taking you with me." He grits his teeth, annoyed to hell by me.

I clear my throat and nod my head to the side, motioning for him to follow. He sighs but follows behind me as I lead him downstairs into the wine cellar.

"Open that door." I nod to the door ahead of me.

He looks to me, unsure but does as I say and opens it. Cool air hits us in a burst as the metallic interior shines, the door not being opened for years.

"What... is this?" He gasps.

I smirk and walk inside, feeling like a bad bitch for having Mr. Criminal follow my orders now.

"A safe. My parents' safe that was created for me." I glance to him with a smug look on my face, "It was supposed to be a gift that I'd get after graduating either medical school or law school but... neither of those will happen so of course I wouldn't be given it anyways so... "

"So... ? Why did you show me this?" He crosses his arms.

"I have a talent for cracking locks and I figured out this one's code. The deal is, if you take me with you and help me be successful like you as a criminal then I'll give you all the money that's inside of here, which is millions." I smirk.

"Millions you say... " He grins and thinks for a moment, "I guess if you get too annoying I can always sell your organs on the black market. Deal."

I perk up at his words.

"Okay, daddy. Whatever floats your boat." I shrug and he chuckles.

"You sure are a weird one. Okay, so how do we open this?"


i take so long to get to the point of things🤩

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