What Went Wrong

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the update you guys have been waiting for:
no i didn't drop out of college or fail surprisingly 💀
but i did publish two new books! a stalker yoongi x reader and a hybrid ot7 x reader

"Are we almost there yet, Daddy?" I complain only six minutes into the drive.

"Sit the fuck back and buckle your seat belt."

"But I want to wreak havoc upon the Earth."

"Yeah, well too bad, Buttercup." His words make my chest feel funny, "Just chill out and don't get me killed."

I scoff.

"I wouldn't even let you get close to dying, you dumbass." I roll my eyes.

"Girl, shut the fuck up or else the author will make it really happen. Fuck." He grips the steering wheel harder, cursing under his breath.

I roll my eyes again and glance at the clock before letting my right hand fall over the harness full of knives snug on my right thigh. I take a quick look at Yoongi's face and let out a little chuckle.

"I'll be stealthy and quiet, don't worry. I'm a pro at being alive." I say, trying to give him more faith in me.

"I only have reason to believe that based on our one training session. Just keep hidden, stay quiet, and do as you're told. Don't take the earpiece out as well or you'll be screwed since that's our only way of communicating what's happening and where we are."

I nod my head and sit back, letting myself enjoy the scenery for the next two hours of the ride.

At one point, he finally speaks up again, "Remember what I said- "

"I know, I know. Got it, boss." I salute him and I don't fail to notice the small smirk on his face.

"Good because we're here." He pulls off to the side and parks next to the curb.

I take a deep breath and to pump myself up I tell myself that I'm cool and pretty and can beat a bitch up so I shouldn't worry. I'll just dodge bullets like I'm in The Matrix if I have to.

"Tap the button." He says and as I turn to him he taps his earpiece.

I follow his motions and tap my own.

"Testing." He says and I suddenly hear his voice not only in front of me where he's standing but also in my right ear.

"Nice, it's like I'm playing spies with someone." I giggle and he sighs.

"A deadly game of spies at that." He mumbles out while motioning for me to follow after him as he walks towards the trees across from the sidewalk we're standing on.

"His mansion is here but we're taking a detour which is a ten minute walk through this forest. All cameras are cut already due to Namjoon's skills but I want to play it safe and not walk up the driveway." He says while tossing me the black duffle bag that I hadn't even noticed he had grabbed from his car, "You carry it there, I'll carry it back with everything inside."

I nod and put some pep in my step to keep up with his fast pace. Once we hit the tree line, I stare in disbelief at a mansion even bigger than Yoongi's which I didn't think was possible. I stay quiet as I get a good look at the exits and all that he told me about prior.

MIDNIGHT RAID (MYG)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ