Winner's Reward

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MY GOD- THIS PIC OF TAE?!?!???!/!$.&2&2&,

"You're fucking kidding... overnight shipping?" Yoongi mumbles as he gets out of bed.

I stand in the doorway of his bedroom with a small box and an innocent, fake smile on my face as I look at him expectantly. He stands there next to his bed for a moment and then sighs.

"Fine. Only because you won and I did say you could do anything to me so I'll be fair, of course. Just didn't expect you to choose hair dye." He shoos me away with his hand and I head into the bathroom down the hall and begin setting my hair dying station up with his expensive white towels.

He walks in after a few minutes with water bottles for us both from the fridge and sighs again at the sight of his white towels that will soon possibly be ruined.

"You better actually fucking try. I can't look like a train wreck when intimidating the people I'm raiding from." He sits on the toilet seat and I brush out his hair that has grown a bit, basically covering his undercut.

"I've dyed my own and other people's hair before. You're in good hands." I lie to him.

"Right." He mumbles, trying to look at the packaging that I pick up and dump the contents out of, "If I end up bald, I'm shaving your hair off." He threatens and I gulp because he really would do that.

I shake the bottle, mixing the creams and liquids together and then slip the clear plastic gloves on, "Bleach time! Is your hair naturally this color?" I glance to him.

"Yep." He says in a tone full of irritation and I chuckle.

"I'll only leave it for about a half hour on your hair then. I'll check every ten minutes, though, to be careful." I begin applying the bleach and I roll my eyes at his annoyed expression but feel a little guilty at his real pout, "You'll look good, trust me. I wouldn't completely sabotage you." I say softly and honestly, my heart thumping hard against my chest for some reason at the thought of genuinely upsetting him, "I wouldn't do something bad to you."

"I guess I... trust you." He practically whispers, "That's what friends are for, right?" He keeps his gaze down to the floor as I apply more bleach, looking down at him with my eyebrows raising.

I smile to myself and nod, looking back to his hair, "Exactly," I say as a matter of fact, "That's what friends are for."

We continue the process while silently listening to Seo Taiji and I can't help but internally chuckle at the fact Yoongi can go from angrily fucking me with a gun barrel to being sentimental during having his hair dyed.


"Okay, done. Now we wait." I throw the bottle away and take a step back to look at him, his curious eyes glancing up to me and I laugh at his bleach covered hair that's slicked to his head, "And for good measure- " I pick up another package I ordered.

"No. Absolutely not." He shakes his head at the image of the product on the front.

"Yes." I open the package.

"I am not wearing that." He crosses his arms and then tries swatting me away as I get closer.

"You need to! Then you'll probably only have to sit here twenty minutes at most!" I argue back.

"Why do I need a fucking bonnet to make bleach work faster?!" He huffs, trying to snatch it from my hands so I kick his shin lightly.

I giggle at his wording and start trying to put it over his hair, "It's a damn shower cap! People use these or foil when bleaching so that it traps heat and helps the bleach work." I finally get him to sit still as I cover his hair with it.

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