The Unexpected

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"Oh hey, my name's Min Yoongi- legendary thief and sexy bad boy." I hold my hand out to shake his, my body clad in his own extra black t-shirt and black cargo pants since apparently crop tops and skirts won't be doable as training clothes for whatever reason, "Now all I need is a stick up my ass all the time and then I'll have the attitude down perfectly." I wink.

"Stick up your ass? Is that how you think I act?" He creeps up upon me slowly, slamming his hand against the wall next to me and I slightly flinch but my demeanor doesn't change.

"I mean, you could be a little kinder when around me. I physically and mentally am weak so you have no reason to put your guard up with me honestly, I'm just here for the ride and for a friend." I smile sincerely, his pissed off expression wavering slightly.

He keeps his stare directly on me for a moment as if he's thinking before he pulls his switchblade out and leans in with it pressed to my cheek.

"So, I really don't scare you? Not one bit? Even though I already scarred your eyebrow? Even when I have you pressed against a wall and could kill you if need be?" He whispers with a deep raspy voice, my heart accelerating at the close proximity and I shake my head.

"Nope! I mean, if you have to take me out- then you have to take me out, if you know what I mean." I shrug my shoulders as if it's normal to have to kill someone for your own benefit, "You're interesting and I want to be around you." I say with a smile before doing the complete unexpected.

I pull him into a hug.

He tenses up and his blade drops, my arms tightly wrapped around him as he stands frozen.

"It looks as if you haven't had someone like a friend in a while and I want to be that person. You don't look at me and see money- even though you originally broke into my house- but as a person I mean, and I don't look at you and see anything else but a skilled, extremely smart and witty man who's... also sexy... but that's beside the point." I say and he lets out a breathy chuckle, "You'd be the first to see me as a personality and not my wealth so I'd like to be someone who can see you as caring and kind, not terrifying and dangerous." I mumble into his shoulder as he slowly hugs back harder.

So we stand like that in silence for a few minutes.

I softly sway him side to side and occasionally hear sniffles but don't question it. I know I say what's on my mind right away typically but I also know that I should have boundaries and right now he needs to just be comforted since he probably hasn't been in a vulnerable state like this in God knows how many years.

He slowly pulls away, head down and eyes red as a few tears wet his porcelain cheeks.

"I fucking hate crying." He mumbles and is about to walk away but I pull him back by his wrist and to my surprise he allows me, "If I become emotional again because of you I'm going to stab you, no hesitation." He crosses his arms and narrows his red eyes on mine and I snort.

"Sure. I give you full permission to stab me if I bring out any emotion other than anger and resentment in you." I chuckle and softly cup his cheeks, using my thumbs to wipe away the tears as he watches me with a softening expression, "You don't have to be scared to feel safe or happy around me. I understand that you quite literally just yesterday kidnapped me and technically know little about me but I feel that this might be something you needed to hear. That you needed to be reminded that I am your friend." I smile up at him.

"Well- " He attempts to say something snotty back but comes up with nothing and he sighs, "Fine. But when you make me cry I get to make you cry in return." He looks away with a scowl and whispers, "Bitch."

I burst into laughter.

"Deal. Now let's go train, you can make me cry during that if it'll make you feel better." I turn him and push him to walk.

Leading me to black doors with a passcode, he shoves me away so that I don't see and then presses the code in, unlocking the room.

"Did you forget I can just powder the passcode keys to see what the code is?" I raise a brow and he just stares at me blankly.

"Shut up." He grabs my wrist and pulls me into the room where the first thing I lay my eyes on is a black leather whip.

"A sex chamber? Sick, can you use this on me Daddy Min?" I hold it out to him and he yanks it from me.

"Not a sex chamber but I can definitely take you to one." He smirks and turns me around, bending me over a black table that has various weapons on it, one hand pressing my lower back down while the other grips the whip and slaps it down against my ass hard.

An unexpected whine leaves me throat and I hear his breathing hitch, his plan to more so scare or embarrass me backfiring since I liked it a little too much.

He pauses as if contemplating something so I start to stand back up straight but he steps closer and shoves me back down, my body pressed and bent over against a table full of guns. Body heat gets closer to me and slowly his body leans down from directly behind mine, his pressed against my own as his lips graze my ear.

"You like that, don't you?" He whispers and tingles run through my body, my face suddenly feeling warm.

"Yes, Sir." I sigh out and he watches my cheeks turn even more pink as he presses his bulge against my ass while one arm holds him up and the other grips the back of my neck, my head turned and cheek pressed against the cold, black marble table.

"Of course you do. I knew that already." He leans in closer, his lips close to the corner of my own, "It's cute, it really is, how you act so confident all the time yet as soon as I truly take control over you, you're all red and compliant... submissive." He allows his lips to brush over mine as he speaks and the more he leans in, the harder he's pressing against me.

"You must really like this too though, hm?" I smirk, "Having your cock pressed against my ass, my body unable to move under your own? You could do anything you want to me and you know that already because you're stronger than me." I feed into the temptation of pressing his buttons to see how far he will go.

"Oh, well that's daring to say. You're just trying to provoke me so that I fuck you aren't you?" He chuckles deeply, his hand slipping around my neck to the front slowly and he grips it, "That's cute but I'm the one in control here." He scoffs and my face couldn't be any more red with embarrassment, "If you want to get fucked so badly then you can pick out one of those guns and go back to my bedroom where I'll fuck you with it myself."


i came up with that last part like "oh shit, yeah they're gonna like this one" LMAO

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